smallrye / jandex

Java Annotation Indexer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Class signature parsing skipped for records

MikeEdgar opened this issue · comments

The Indexer#applySignatures method requires that the signature for a class be the last entry in the list of signatures. However, with records, the class's signature is followed by the record components' signatures.

An example record that where generic type information is not included in the index for the class's type parameters.

record MyRecord<T>(T content) {

That's probably because record components are stored in class attributes and hence are parsed later on. Still, should be straightforward to fix. If you don't get to it, I should in the next few days.

That's probably because record components are stored in class attributes and hence are parsed later on.

Yep, exactly. I have a local fix that I've tested locally that I will push to a PR today.

Perfect, thank you!