sloria / environs

simplified environment variable parsing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error parsing URLs for docker-compose style hostnames

dror-weiss opened this issue · comments


I have a parsing issue using env.url for docker-compose type URLs.

For example, if I have a service called vault that I want to reach from another service, I'm passing it an environment variable like so: VAULT_ADDRESS=http://vault:8200

This doesn't work:

from environs import Env

environment = Env(eager=False)

class Settings:
    vault_address: ParseResult = environment.url("VAULT_ADDRESS")


environs.EnvValidationError: Environment variables invalid: {'VAULT_ADDRESS': ['Not a valid URL.']}

This works:

from environs import Env
from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse

environment = Env(eager=False)

def url2_parser(value):
    return urlparse(value)


class Settings:
    vault_address: ParseResult = environment.url2("VAULT_ADDRESS")

  • Tested on 7.3.0 and 7.4.0

You can try this:

env.url("VAULT_ADDRESS", require_tld=False)

Why? The answer is here

If you try to using an scheme different of http, https or ftp you can try this:

env.url("VAULT_ADDRESS", schemes={"my_custom_scheme"}, require_tld=False)

Why? The answer is here

Closing for now since this is has more to do with how marshmallow validates URLs than with environs itself.

See @eltonplima's comment above for ways to work around this.