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vite script tag gets added to json

insanity54 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I have a src/api/v1.njk file as follows

layout: false
permalink: '/api/v1.json'

  "taco": "yes, please"

The problem I'm seeing is that <script type="module" src="/@vite/client"></script> gets added to the top of the file when serving. v1.json is served with content-type: text/html when I need it to be served as application/json

To Reproduce

I made a git repo to illustrate

npm run serve (npx @11ty/eleventy --config=eleventy.config.js --serve) and click the /api/v1.json link. The json is served as text/html with a script tag at the top.

Expected behavior

I expected /api/v1.json to be a application/json file when viewing /api/v1.json in a web browser