slevomat / coding-standard

Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer provides many useful sniffs

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SlevomatCodingStandard.PHP.UselessParentheses.UselessParentheses - false positive

bkdotcom opened this issue · comments

These parens aren't useless... am I doing something wrong?

class Utf8
    // Get Unicode code point of utf9-encoded character (without need for mbstring extension)
    public static function ord($char)
        $ord = \ord($char[0]);
        if ($ord < 0x80) {
            return $ord;
        } elseif ($ord < 0xe0) {
            return ($ord - 0xc0 << 6)        //  UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + \ord($char[1]) - 0x80;
        } elseif ($ord < 0xf0) {
            return ($ord - 0xe0 << 12)      // UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + (\ord($char[1]) - 0x80 << 6)   // UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + \ord($char[2]) - 0x80;
        } elseif ($ord < 0xf8) {
            return ($ord - 0xf0 << 18)      // UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + (\ord($char[1]) - 0x80 << 12)  // UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + (\ord($char[2]) - 0x80 << 6)   // UselessParentheses (invalid)
                + \ord($char[3]) - 0x80;
        return false;

unit tests:

assertSame(97, Utf8::ord('a'));   // 1-bype
assertSame(169, Utf8::ord('©'));   // 2-byte
assertSame(65049, Utf8::ord('︙'));   // 3-byte
assertSame(128169, Utf8::ord('💩'));  // 4-type

to be clear: without parens, PHP evaluates
$ord - 0xc0 << 6 + \ord($char[1]) - 0x80
($ord - 0xc0) << (6 + \ord($char[1]) - 0x80)

($ord - 0xc0 << 6) + \ord($char[1]) - 0x80
the parens are very much necessary
also tried:
($ord - 0xc0 << 6) + (\ord($char[1]) - 0x80)
$ord - 0xc0 << 6 + (\ord($char[1]) - 0x80)

Possibly similar to #1672, #1678