slackhq / nebula

A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ› BUG: when using nebula as library in custom application - we cannot handle os.Exit produced by library

valda-z opened this issue Β· comments

What version of nebula are you using?


What operating system are you using?

Linux, macOS, Windows

Describe the Bug

We are using nebula as library in our own binaries. But because library code contains os.Exit, we cannot handle it.
In our solution we are using customized source code of nebula to handle it correctly.
Problem is with file interface.go on line 285 where is:
// This only seems to happen when something fatal happens to the fd, so exit.

We are changing code in our solution to:

And after break from loop library returns that connection is broken and we can start connecting again.

Logs from affected hosts

No logs needed

Config files from affected hosts

No response

I agree this should be fixed. I am curious how this is happening in your system, as I have never seen this os.Exit trigger in the wild myself. Do you have any details on that?

Hi @valda-z - I just wanted to bump this ticket again and ask if you have any additional details regarding this line of code being hit? Thanks!