slackhq / hack-sql-fake

A library for testing database driven code in Hack

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult and SQLFakeAsyncMysqlException

pbibra opened this issue · comments

Issue template for hack-sql-fake

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  • Feature request
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  • Typechecker errors
  • Incorrect result
  • Cripplingly bad performance
  • Crash

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Feature request

I would like to have an implementation of `AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult` and `SQLFakeAsyncMysqlException` that behaves similarly to `AsyncMysqlException`. 
This is an SQL/AsyncMysql feature.

`AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult` should allow for setting the error code and error message of the result in its constructor.
`SQLFakeAsyncMysqlException` should allow for setting the `AsyncMysqlErrorResult` in its constructor.