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Before/after oauth hooks in Java SDK?

jjoslin opened this issue · comments


I'm developing with the Bolt Java SDK and I'm trying to figure out how to associate an install (ideally a team/workspace id) with a proprietary id on my end.

This existing question is basically the same as mine but I'm not able to find the beforeRedirection and afterInstallation equivalents in the Java SDK.

Am I missing something or is it not support? If it isn't currently supported then I would appreciate any pointers on how I can accomplish a similar task.


Hey @jjoslin! 👋 Those exact hooks aren't present in the SDK but an approach similar to what's shown here can be used to customize the logic in your callbacks to mimic the afterInstallation hook. I'm not immediately sure of an alternative for beforeRedirection but it might be possible include additional logic when issuing state after a request.

Thanks for the pointers @zimeg!