sl5net / shop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Solution to Problem 1: SALES TAXES

The Shop read data from 2 JSON files

how to run/ test it

  • For every problem is a unit test in src/ShopTest

  • You also could enter the problem into a command line

>java Shop

a bit of history out of git log:

> git log --graph --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%x09%Creset%C(cyan)%C(bold)%ad%Creset  %C(green)%Creset %s" --date=short
* 2441326       2022-05-09   add readme
* e5469d1       2022-05-09   add condole input und console defaults
* 3e093ed       2022-05-09   fix round Import duty
* 7d57012       2022-05-09   add test buy1_imported_box_of_chocolates_Type11
* 1466fe6       2022-05-09   add test buy1_bottle_of_perfume
* 9eb19a5       2022-05-09   fix type typos in products jason
* dfa6357       2022-05-09   round to 2 decimals. refactor some thinks
* 788bbca       2022-05-09   add test buy1_chocolate_bar and fix calculate tax
* 0c4dd14       2022-05-09   add test buy1book and fix calculate tax
* dc9bf72       2022-05-09   fix calculate tax
* 5fb7f19       2022-05-09   create Shop
* b48baab       2022-05-09   add dummy prices to products.json
* da4380c       2022-05-08   test buy1music CD
* a10f524       2022-05-08   test buy1book
* 65362a3       2022-05-08   check name_of_productTypesRates_areIn_products . fix some typos. beautify it a bit
* 1ba16a8       2022-05-08   Initial commit



Language:Java 100.0%