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CLI: cli error: client error. connection setup error: handshake error code 5 always occurs

TogiFerretFerret opened this issue · comments

Description of bug
Every time I run ./skysh (not added to path), after entering the password, it returns
cli error: client error. connection setup error: handshake error code 5
The server log says
[2024-03-21T22:25:58Z ERROR skyd::engine::net] failed to handshake with client

If I put in no password, however, the server log says

thread 'server' panicked at server/src/engine/core/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: BadPassword

And the client error is
cli error: client error. io error: failed to fill whole buffer

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior
I expected that skysh would successfully connect.


  • Release tag:
  • Branch:
  • Commit ID:
  • Operating system:
    MacOS 14.1 Beta (23B5067a) (Sonoma)
    Additional context
    I am very confused - the benchmark, sky-bench works.

Can you see if it works with --password <your password>?

We actually had a related issue (#323) but since this is on macOS it may not exactly be related. With regard to the panic on the server side, that's a bug and I'll get it fixed soon

It seems to work with --password.

I'll test this locally and try to find a fix. Sorry for the trouble!

Possible pathways and expected behavior:

  1. You enter an incorrect password, you get HS error 5
  2. You enter a correct password, you get authenticated
  3. You enter an empty (essentially an incorrect one) password, you get HS error 5

The last case did not have the expected outcome due to a server-side bug (a fairly trivial one) which has been fixed on the active branch and will be released into the next version (0.8.1).

Can you confirm if cases 1 and 2 behave as expected?