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Infra: Resume M1 builds

ohsayan opened this issue · comments


Due to internal infrastructure changes, we stopped releasing M1 builds since 0.7.4. However, we can resume builds via cross-compilation (since M1 targets can be cross-compiled from x86_64 Mac machines) so we can use the existing x86_64 Mac builders. However, testing on real M1 hardware is still not achieved until we get actual M1 hosts. For now, the task should be pretty simple:

  • Add M1 to the build matrix (releases)
  • Ensure builds actually work

Marking L-easy if anyone is interested in contributing


I have built the binary from the source, run skyd, and interacted through shell skysh in M1 device.
However, cargo test is giving the test result below.

test result: FAILED. 397 passed; 38 failed; 11 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 22.40s

Would you elaborate on Add M1 to the build matrix (releases)?
I used the binary generated by cargo build command in the target/debug folder.

Device Info:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro17,1
Kernel Version: Darwin 22.2.0
Chip: Apple M1
Total Number of Cores: 8 (4 performance and 4 efficiency)
Memory: 8 GB

Hey @MuhtasimTanmoy! cargo test will not work because Skytable uses its own test suite called harness based on make and cargo. You'll need to run make test to kick off the build and test process.


What steps need to be followed to complete these on the M1 chip?

  • Add M1 to the build matrix (releases)
  • Ensure builds actually work

Also, what specific utility does harness provide on top of cargo?


@MuhtasimTanmoy The harness binary sets up several packages and a custom harness that we need for testing and packaging.