skytable / skytable

Skytable is a modern scalable NoSQL database with BlueQL, designed for performance, scalability and flexibility. Skytable gives you spaces, models, data types, complex collections and more to build powerful experiences

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Tracking issue: Skytable 0.8.0

ohsayan opened this issue · comments


It's almost like we've been talking about Skytable 0.8 forever, but you haven't been seeing any releases (until a small preview release yesterday). The reason behind it lies in the fact that 0.8 is a convention change to how Skytable works, starting at the protocol layer, to the query language, the memory engines and the storage engine. It's almost like the entire stack was redesigned from the ground up, and with these changes I expect Skytable to become more flexible and powerful than ever.

I will go into more details about the convention change in a future post on Skytable's blog. This issue tracks the release of 0.8, with tasks and very precise ETAs. While the alpha.1 has been released, it is about 1% of what has changed across the codebase and the other changes remain on my local copy as I wait for Rust 1.65 to be released so that we can stop depending on nightly (the current tree is on stable, and when I merge my changes they'll also compile on the stable channel).


Expected releases and features to expect:

  • Skytable 0.8.0-alpha.1 (ETA October 31, 2022):
    • Skyhash 2.0 preview
    • BlueQL 0.8 DDL preview
  • Skytable 0.8.0-beta.1 (ETA November 23, 2022 December 8, 2022 TBA):
    • BlueQL 0.8 final spec (DDL, DML)
    • Full data modeling features
    • New internal engines (mem, disk)
  • Skytable 0.8.0 (ETA November 30, 2022 TBA):
    • The final release
    • Skyhash 2.0 final spec
    • Advanced query expressions


  • Skyhash 2.0 final spec (#255)
  • BlueQL final spec (#263)
  • HS-memory engine (#247)
  • New storage engine drivers
    • TS
    • LS
  • Make installation more accessible (#293)
  • Include BlueQL inside docs
  • Upgrade client

This is a lot of work, but let's get to it. Not listing what has already been done :)


Updated to final timelines


BlueQL final spec is done. Memory and storage engines hopefully by the end of this week


Due to some unforeseen bugs and internal issues, this is taking longer than expected. I'm trying my best to ship per the timeline, but I'm going to update the ETAs again. Depending on how things progress this week, especially around storage engine bugs, we'd be able to better predict when we can expect to ship the release.

Sorry for the delay everyone, it's honestly annoying to keep you all waiting.