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Server: Dropping containers results in auth data loss

No3371 opened this issue · comments


Description of bug
Whenever I send DDLs (reproduced with a pair of Create/Drop Keyspace) to a Auth-Enabled instance, the whole auth data will be gone (the file is deleted).
I can run the DDLs whatever times I like but once I ctrl+c the instance after the DDLs are executed, the next time I run the instance it gives the following message and I'll have to start all over from auth claim

ERROR skyd] Storage engine error: I/O error while reading file data/ks\system\auth: 系統找不到指定的檔案。 (os error 2) (the Chinese means `File not found`)

Steps to reproduce

  1. On Windows, run skyd with Auth enabled
  2. Run skysh and create a keyspace/table, then drop it
  3. Ctrl+C the skyd instance then run it again.


  • Release tag: 0.7.5
  • Operating system: Windows 10

Additional context
This bug is reported through Discord, the source of the error is already identified by @ohsayan and a fix is scheduled to be backported to 0.7 and pushed to 0.8.


Fix out in #277. Will close this once we backport the fix. Please keep this open until then. Thanks!


The fix has been backported and will be released into 0.7.6. Thank you for helping in investigating this issue!