skystrife / cpptoml

cpptoml is a header-only library for parsing TOML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How can I use inline table

injae opened this issue · comments



 if(!deps) deps = cpptoml::make_table();
 auto dep = deps->get_table(name);
 if(!dep)  dep  = cpptoml::make_table();
 dep->insert("module"    ,cmake_name);
 deps->insert(name, dep);


		module = "cpptoml"

but I want results like this

cpptoml = {module = "cpptoml"}

how can i use inline table

I'm having the same trouble. It looks like cpptoml can parse inline tables, but cannot write them out? I tried setting the is_inline to true when I called make_table_array, but it made no difference.

Writing inline tables seems not implemented. I would like to see this working properly as well.