skx / simple-vpn

A simple VPN allowing mesh-like communication between nodes, over websockets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Measure overhead

skx opened this issue · comments

As per reddit comment - there is overhead in using this due to tunneling, etc - measure time to transfer 1Gb over the link vs. public-ips.

Copying a 500Mb file, full of random data, from one host to another via their public IPs:

      data.file 100%  500MB  19.3MB/s   00:25

Now over the VPN-link:

      data.file 100%  500MB  10.4MB/s   00:48    

That suggests the overhead is something like 50%, which makes sense:

  • Using public-IP addresses traffic goes directly. (i.e. "host1 -> host2".)
  • Using a VPN-link data is sent to the VPN-server, then the real target (i.e. "host1 -> -> host2".)
    • i.e. All data is copied twice.