skx / purppura

A server for receiving and processing alerts & events.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Database issues ..

skx opened this issue · comments

We store our data in an SQLite file, and I've seen some failures this morning. Specifically the POST to /events is returning an error:

   May 26 23:13:26 run[303]: 2018/05/26 23:13:26 
       http: Accept error: accept tcp accept4: too many open files; retrying in 1s

So looking at the process tree (metrics!) we see that we have a bazillion connections to our SQLite file open. We also have follow-on errors:

    Error reaping - database is locked

So I've made sure I'm calling Close() appropriately, and I've tweaked the DB open, but I suspect the actual issue is concurrency. There are two things that use the SQLite database:

  • HTTP-based submission
  • The processor-thread.

And reading the documentation here it shows that you must open different connections if you're in different goroutines. My processor-thread (invoked via the cron library ) is absolutely a different goroutine, behind the scenes.

So :

  • We need to rework things to open a new connection.
  • Or we need to use a different store.
    • SQL-based is ideal, but there's nothing too specific here.

Closed via the migration to MySQL - which allows us to run under the managed MySQL instance in the cloud.