skpm / fs

Drop-in replacement for the fs NodeJS package

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mkdirSync fails silently

lucaorio opened this issue · comments

It seems like fs.existsSync doesn't create any folder. No error is returned, either.

import * as fs from '@skpm/fs';

// ...

fs.mkdirSync('~/test/abc', { recursive: true }, err => {
  if (err) throw err;
  1. fs.mkdirSync doesn't take a callback as an argument since it's synchronous.
  2. '~/test/abc' is equivalent to ./~/test/abc which is probably not what you want. If you want to resolve ~, you can use something like
  3. I just don't think it's failing, just that it creates a folder where you don't expect it

@mathieudutour Thanks for helping. The snippet below works well, indeed!

const path = '/Users/myself/test/abc';
!fs.existsSync(path) && fs.mkdirSync(path);

Unfortunately, Untildify returns an empty string :(
Do you have any other advice on how I can resolve that path?

const os = require('os');

const home = os.homedir();

const untiltify = input => {
	if (typeof input !== 'string') {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected a string, got ${typeof input}`);

	return home ? input.replace(/^~(?=$|\/|\\)/, home) : input;


works fine for me (which is the code of What version of Sketch are you using?

I'm using 53.1!

By the way, untiltify wasn't working when I was trying to run everything from within a plugin. I'm now slowly moving pretty much everything I can outside of it, and I can confirm you that untiltify works well :)