skotzko / shhhhh

Alfred Workflow & AppleScript to close all open system alerts (iCal, etc) without touching the mouse.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't work with Big Sur

bs opened this issue · comments

Haven't investigated yet ...

👋 Hello @bs

Thanks for this workflow, I've used it quite a bit, and find it super handy 🍻

I've dug into finding a new Applescript that can dismiss on BigSur and have come across this somewhere else which seems to work, and I've put into my Shhh workflow manually:

(it's js applescript)

function run(input, parameters) {

  const appName = "";
  const verbose = true;

  const scriptName = "close_notifications_applescript";

  const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION = "Clear All";
  const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP = "Clear";
  const CLOSE_ACTION = "Close";

  const notNull = (val) => {
    return val !== null && val !== undefined;

  const isNull = (val) => {
    return !notNull(val);

  const isError = (maybeErr) => {
    return notNull(maybeErr) && (maybeErr instanceof Error || maybeErr.message);

  const systemVersion = () => {
    return Application("Finder").version().split(".").map(val => parseInt(val));

  const systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo = (vers) => {
    return systemVersion()[0] >= vers;

  const isBigSurOrGreater = () => {
    return systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(11);

  const V11_OR_GREATER = isBigSurOrGreater();
  const APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE = V11_OR_GREATER ? "AXStaticText" : "AXImage";
  const hasAppName = notNull(appName) && appName !== "";
  const appNameForLog = hasAppName ? ` [${appName}]` : "";

  const logs = [];
  const log = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    let message_with_prefix = `${new Date().toISOString().replace("Z", "").replace("T", " ")} [${scriptName}]${appNameForLog} ${message}`;
    console.log(message_with_prefix, optionalParams);

  const logError = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    if (isError(message)) {
      let err = message;
      message = `${err}${err.stack ? (' ' + err.stack) : ''}`;
    log(`ERROR ${message}`, optionalParams);

  const logErrorVerbose = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    if (verbose) {
      logError(message, optionalParams);

  const logVerbose = (message) => {
    if (verbose) {

  const getLogLines = () => {
    return logs.join("\n");

  const getSystemEvents = () => {
    let systemEvents = Application("System Events");
    systemEvents.includeStandardAdditions = true;
    return systemEvents;

  const getNotificationCenter = () => {
    try {
      return getSystemEvents().processes.byName("NotificationCenter");
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not get NotificationCenter");
      throw err;

  const getNotificationCenterGroups = (retryOnError = false) => {
    try {
      let notificationCenter = getNotificationCenter();
      if ( <= 0) {
        return [];
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not get NotificationCenter groups");
      if (retryOnError) {
        return getNotificationCenterGroups(false);
      } else {
        throw err;

  const isClearButton = (description, name) => {
    return description === "button" && name === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP;

  const matchesAppName = (role, value) => {
    return role === APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE && value.toLowerCase() === appName.toLowerCase();

  const notificationGroupMatches = (group) => {
    try {
      let description = group.description();
      if (V11_OR_GREATER && isClearButton(description, {
        return true;
      if (V11_OR_GREATER && description !== "group") {
        return false;
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
        let matchedAppName = !hasAppName;
        if (!matchedAppName) {
          for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
            if (matchesAppName(elem.role(), elem.description())) {
              matchedAppName = true;
        if (matchedAppName) {
          return notNull(findCloseActionV10(group, -1));
        return false;
      if (!hasAppName) {
        return true;
      let firstElem = group.uiElements[0];
      return matchesAppName(firstElem.role(), firstElem.value());
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`Caught error while checking window, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
    return false;

  const findCloseActionV10 = (group, closedCount) => {
    try {
      for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
        if (elem.role() === "AXButton" && elem.title() === CLOSE_ACTION) {
          return elem.actions["AXPress"];
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
      return null;
    log("No close action found for notification");
    return null;

  const findCloseAction = (group, closedCount) => {
    try {
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
        return findCloseActionV10(group, closedCount);
      let checkForPress = isClearButton(group.description(),;
      let clearAllAction;
      let closeAction;
      for (let action of group.actions()) {
        let description = action.description();
        if (description === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION) {
          clearAllAction = action;
        } else if (description === CLOSE_ACTION) {
          closeAction = action;
        } else if (checkForPress && description === "press") {
          clearAllAction = action;
      if (notNull(clearAllAction)) {
        return clearAllAction;
      } else if (notNull(closeAction)) {
        return closeAction;
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
      return null;
    log("No close action found for notification");
    return null;

  const closeNextGroup = (groups, closedCount) => {
    try {
      for (let group of groups) {
        if (notificationGroupMatches(group)) {
          let closeAction = findCloseAction(group, closedCount);

          if (notNull(closeAction)) {
            try {
              return [true, 1];
            } catch (err) {
              logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while performing close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
          return [true, 0];
      return false;
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not run closeNextGroup");
      throw err;

  try {
    let groupsCount = getNotificationCenterGroups(true).filter(group => notificationGroupMatches(group)).length;

    if (groupsCount > 0) {
      logVerbose(`Closing ${groupsCount}${appNameForLog} notification group${(groupsCount > 1 ? "s" : "")}`);

      let startTime = new Date().getTime();
      let closedCount = 0;
      let maybeMore = true;
      let maxAttempts = 2;
      let attempts = 1;
      while (maybeMore && ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) <= (1000 * 30))) {
        try {
          let closeResult = closeNextGroup(getNotificationCenterGroups(), closedCount);
          maybeMore = closeResult[0];
          if (maybeMore) {
            closedCount = closedCount + closeResult[1];
        } catch (innerErr) {
          if (maybeMore && closedCount === 0 && attempts < maxAttempts) {
            log(`Caught an error before anything closed, trying ${maxAttempts - attempts} more time(s).`)
          } else {
            throw innerErr;
    } else {
      throw Error(`No${appNameForLog} notifications found...`);
  } catch (err) {
    throw err;

  return getLogLines();


👋 Hello @bs

Thanks for this workflow, I've used it quite a bit, and find it super handy 🍻

I've dug into finding a new Applescript that can dismiss on BigSur and have come across this somewhere else which seems to work, and I've put into my Shhh workflow manually:

(it's js applescript)

function run(input, parameters) {

  const appName = "";
  const verbose = true;

  const scriptName = "close_notifications_applescript";

  const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION = "Clear All";
  const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP = "Clear";
  const CLOSE_ACTION = "Close";

  const notNull = (val) => {
    return val !== null && val !== undefined;

  const isNull = (val) => {
    return !notNull(val);

  const isError = (maybeErr) => {
    return notNull(maybeErr) && (maybeErr instanceof Error || maybeErr.message);

  const systemVersion = () => {
    return Application("Finder").version().split(".").map(val => parseInt(val));

  const systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo = (vers) => {
    return systemVersion()[0] >= vers;

  const isBigSurOrGreater = () => {
    return systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(11);

  const V11_OR_GREATER = isBigSurOrGreater();
  const APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE = V11_OR_GREATER ? "AXStaticText" : "AXImage";
  const hasAppName = notNull(appName) && appName !== "";
  const appNameForLog = hasAppName ? ` [${appName}]` : "";

  const logs = [];
  const log = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    let message_with_prefix = `${new Date().toISOString().replace("Z", "").replace("T", " ")} [${scriptName}]${appNameForLog} ${message}`;
    console.log(message_with_prefix, optionalParams);

  const logError = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    if (isError(message)) {
      let err = message;
      message = `${err}${err.stack ? (' ' + err.stack) : ''}`;
    log(`ERROR ${message}`, optionalParams);

  const logErrorVerbose = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
    if (verbose) {
      logError(message, optionalParams);

  const logVerbose = (message) => {
    if (verbose) {

  const getLogLines = () => {
    return logs.join("\n");

  const getSystemEvents = () => {
    let systemEvents = Application("System Events");
    systemEvents.includeStandardAdditions = true;
    return systemEvents;

  const getNotificationCenter = () => {
    try {
      return getSystemEvents().processes.byName("NotificationCenter");
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not get NotificationCenter");
      throw err;

  const getNotificationCenterGroups = (retryOnError = false) => {
    try {
      let notificationCenter = getNotificationCenter();
      if ( <= 0) {
        return [];
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not get NotificationCenter groups");
      if (retryOnError) {
        return getNotificationCenterGroups(false);
      } else {
        throw err;

  const isClearButton = (description, name) => {
    return description === "button" && name === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP;

  const matchesAppName = (role, value) => {
    return role === APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE && value.toLowerCase() === appName.toLowerCase();

  const notificationGroupMatches = (group) => {
    try {
      let description = group.description();
      if (V11_OR_GREATER && isClearButton(description, {
        return true;
      if (V11_OR_GREATER && description !== "group") {
        return false;
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
        let matchedAppName = !hasAppName;
        if (!matchedAppName) {
          for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
            if (matchesAppName(elem.role(), elem.description())) {
              matchedAppName = true;
        if (matchedAppName) {
          return notNull(findCloseActionV10(group, -1));
        return false;
      if (!hasAppName) {
        return true;
      let firstElem = group.uiElements[0];
      return matchesAppName(firstElem.role(), firstElem.value());
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`Caught error while checking window, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
    return false;

  const findCloseActionV10 = (group, closedCount) => {
    try {
      for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
        if (elem.role() === "AXButton" && elem.title() === CLOSE_ACTION) {
          return elem.actions["AXPress"];
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
      return null;
    log("No close action found for notification");
    return null;

  const findCloseAction = (group, closedCount) => {
    try {
      if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
        return findCloseActionV10(group, closedCount);
      let checkForPress = isClearButton(group.description(),;
      let clearAllAction;
      let closeAction;
      for (let action of group.actions()) {
        let description = action.description();
        if (description === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION) {
          clearAllAction = action;
        } else if (description === CLOSE_ACTION) {
          closeAction = action;
        } else if (checkForPress && description === "press") {
          clearAllAction = action;
      if (notNull(clearAllAction)) {
        return clearAllAction;
      } else if (notNull(closeAction)) {
        return closeAction;
    } catch (err) {
      logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
      return null;
    log("No close action found for notification");
    return null;

  const closeNextGroup = (groups, closedCount) => {
    try {
      for (let group of groups) {
        if (notificationGroupMatches(group)) {
          let closeAction = findCloseAction(group, closedCount);

          if (notNull(closeAction)) {
            try {
              return [true, 1];
            } catch (err) {
              logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while performing close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
          return [true, 0];
      return false;
    } catch (err) {
      logError("Could not run closeNextGroup");
      throw err;

  try {
    let groupsCount = getNotificationCenterGroups(true).filter(group => notificationGroupMatches(group)).length;

    if (groupsCount > 0) {
      logVerbose(`Closing ${groupsCount}${appNameForLog} notification group${(groupsCount > 1 ? "s" : "")}`);

      let startTime = new Date().getTime();
      let closedCount = 0;
      let maybeMore = true;
      let maxAttempts = 2;
      let attempts = 1;
      while (maybeMore && ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) <= (1000 * 30))) {
        try {
          let closeResult = closeNextGroup(getNotificationCenterGroups(), closedCount);
          maybeMore = closeResult[0];
          if (maybeMore) {
            closedCount = closedCount + closeResult[1];
        } catch (innerErr) {
          if (maybeMore && closedCount === 0 && attempts < maxAttempts) {
            log(`Caught an error before anything closed, trying ${maxAttempts - attempts} more time(s).`)
          } else {
            throw innerErr;
    } else {
      throw Error(`No${appNameForLog} notifications found...`);
  } catch (err) {
    throw err;

  return getLogLines();


Hi Does this work in Monterey?

Can confirm this works on Monterey, 12.5. AND on fancy new Alfred 5(.0.1)!

If you're using the workflow in this repo as your basis, make sure to edit it and add a new object - "Run Script" - and set language to /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript). Then paste in @singhprd 's code.

Then just pipe the hotkey or the keyword to the new Run Script action you just generated, et voílà.
See screenshots for reference.

Many thanks to @singhprd for the tip~~

Should this also dismiss notifications set as Alerts? I'm on Ventura and nothing is working.