skmichaelson / chef-docker

Chef Cookbook for Docker

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Docker Cookbook

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The Docker Cookbook is a library cookbook that provides resources (LWRPs) for use in recipes.


This cookbook is concerned with the Docker container engine as distributed by Docker, Inc. It does not address Docker ecosystem tooling or prerequisite technology such as cgroups or aufs.


  • Chef 12 or higher
  • Ruby 1.9 or higher (preferably, the Chef full-stack installer)
  • Network accessible web server hosting the docker binary.
  • SELinux permissive/disabled if CentOS Docker Issue #15498

Platform Support

The following platforms have been tested with Test Kitchen: You may be able to get it working on other platforms, with appropriate configuration of cgroups and storage back ends.

|              | 1.6.2 | 1.7.1 | 1.8.1 |
| debian-7     | X     |       |       |
| debian-8     | X     | X     | X     |
| centos-6     | X     |       |       |
| centos-7     | X     | X     | X     |
| fedora-21    | X     | X     | X     |
| ubuntu-14.04 | X     |       |       |
| ubuntu-15.04 | X     | X     | X     |

Cookbook Dependencies

  • none!


  • Add depends 'docker', '~> 1.0' to your cookbook's metadata.rb
  • Use resources shipped in cookbook in a recipe, the same way you'd use core Chef resources (file, template, directory, package, etc).
docker_service 'default' do
  action [:create, :start]

docker_image 'busybox' do
  action :pull

docker_container 'an echo server' do
  repo 'busybox'
  port '1234:1234'
  command "nc -ll -p 1234 -e /bin/cat"

Test Cookbooks as Examples

The cookbooks ran under test-kitchen make excellent usage examples.

The test recipes are found at:


Cgroups, Execution and Storage drivers

Beginning in chef-docker 1.0, support for LXC execution driver has been removed in favor of native. Cgroups and storage drivers are now loosely coupled dependencies and should be configured using other cookbooks if needed.

Storage drivers can be selected with the storage_driver property on the docker_service resource like this:

docker_service 'default' do
   storage_driver 'overlay'

Configuration of the backing storage driver, including kernel module loading, is out of scope for this cookbook.

Resources Overview

  • docker_service: docker daemon installation and configuration
  • docker_image: image/repository operations
  • docker_tag: image tagging operations
  • docker_container: container operations
  • docker_registry: registry operations

Getting Started

Here's a quick example of pulling the latest image and running a container with exposed ports.

# Pull latest image
docker_image 'nginx' do
  tag 'latest'
  action :pull
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[my_nginx]'

# Run container exposing ports
docker_container 'my_nginx' do
  repo 'nginx'
  tag 'latest'
  port '80:80'
  hostname 'www'
  domain_name ''
  env 'FOO=bar'
  binds [ '/some/local/files/:/etc/nginx/conf.d' ]

You might run a private registry

# Login to private registry
docker_registry '' do
  username 'shipper'
  password 'iloveshipping'
  email ''

# Pull tagged image
docker_image '' do
  tag 'latest'
  action :pull

# Run container
docker_container 'crowsnest' do
  repo ''
  tag 'latest'
  action :run

See full documentation for each resource and action below for more information.

Resources Details

The docker_service, docker_image, docker_container, and docker_registry resources are documented in full below.


The docker_service manages a Docker daemon.

The :create action manages software installation. The :start action manages the running docker service on the machine.

The service management strategy for the host platform is dynamically chosen based on platform, but can be overridden. See the "providers" section below for more information.


docker_service 'tls_test:2376' do
  host ["tcp://#{node['ipaddress']}:2376", 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock']
  tlscacert '/path/to/ca.pem'
  tlscert '/path/to/server.pem'
  tlskey '/path/to/serverkey.pem'
  tlsverify true
  provider Chef::Provider::DockerService::Systemd
  action [:create, :start]

WARNING - As of the 1.0 version of this cookbook, docker_service is a singleton resource. This means that if you create multiple docker_service resources on the same machine, you will only create one actual service and things may not work as expected.


The docker_service resource property list mostly corresponds to the options found in the Docker Command Line Reference

  • source - URL to the pre-compiled Docker binary used for installation. Defaults to a calculated URL based on kernel version, Docker version, and platform arch. By default, this will try to get to "".
  • version - Docker version to install
  • checksum - sha256 checksum of Docker binary
  • instance - Identity for docker_service resource. Defaults to name. Mostly unimportant for the 1.0 version because of its singleton status. | String | nil
  • api_cors_header - Set CORS headers in the remote API
  • bridge - Attach containers to a network bridge
  • bip - Specify network bridge IP
  • debug - Enable debug mode
  • daemon - Enable daemon mode
  • dns - DNS server to use
  • dns_search - DNS search domains to use
  • exec_driver - Exec driver to use
  • fixed_cidr - IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs
  • fixed_cidr_v6 - IPv6 subnet for fixed IPs
  • group - Posix group for the unix socket
  • graph - Root of the Docker runtime - Effectively, the "data directory"
  • host - Daemon socket(s) to connect to - tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd
  • icc - Enable inter-container communication
  • ip - Default IP when binding container ports
  • ip_forward - Enable ip forwarding
  • ipv4_forward - Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward
  • ipv6_forward - Enable net.ipv6.ip_forward
  • ip_masq - Enable IP masquerading
  • iptables - Enable addition of iptables rules
  • ipv6 - Enable IPv6 networking
  • log_level - Set the logging level
  • label - Set key=value labels to the daemon
  • log_driver - Container's logging driver (json-file/none)
  • mtu - Container's logging driver (json-file/none)
  • pidfile - Path to use for daemon PID file
  • registry_mirror - Preferred Docker registry mirror
  • storage_driver - Storage driver to use
  • selinux_enabled - Enable selinux support
  • storage_opt - Set storage driver options
  • tls - Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
  • tlscacert - Trust certs signed only by this CA
  • tlscert - Path to TLS certificate file
  • tlskey - Path to TLS key file
  • tlsverify - Use TLS and verify the remote
  • default_ulimit - Set default ulimit settings for containers
  • http_proxy - ENV variable set before for Docker daemon starts
  • https_proxy - ENV variable set before for Docker daemon starts
  • no_proxy - ENV variable set before for Docker daemon starts
  • tmpdir - ENV variable set before for Docker daemon starts
  • logfile - Location of Docker daemon log file


  • :create - Lays the Docker bits out on disk
  • :delete - Removes the Docker bits from the disk
  • :start - Makes sure the service provider is set up properly and start it
  • :stop - Stops the service
  • :restart - Restarts the service


  • Chef::Provider::DockerService::Execute - The simplest provider. Just starts a process. Fire and forget.

  • Chef::Provider::DockerService::Sysvinit - Uses a SystemV init script to manage the service state.

  • Chef::Provider::DockerService::Upstart - Uses an Upstart script to manage the service state.

  • Chef::Provider::DockerService::Systemd - Uses an Systemd unit file to manage the service state. NOTE: This does NOT enable systemd socket activation.


The docker_image is responsible for managing Docker image pulls, builds, and deletions. It speaks directly to the Docker remote API.


default action, default properties

docker_image 'hello-world'

non-default name attribute

docker_image "Tom's container" do
  repo 'tduffield/testcontainerd'
  action :pull

pull every time

docker_image 'busybox' do
  action :pull

specify a tag

docker_image 'alpine' do
  tag '3.1'

specify read/write timeouts

docker_image 'alpine' do
  read_timeout 60
  write_timeout 60
docker_image 'vbatts/slackware' do
  action :remove


docker_image 'save hello-world' do
  repo 'hello-world'
  destination '/tmp/hello-world.tar'
  not_if { ::File.exist? '/tmp/hello-world.tar' }
  action :save

build from a Dockerfile on every chef-client run

docker_image 'image_1' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/src/myproject/container1/Dockerfile'
  action :build

build from a directory, only if image is missing

docker_image 'image_2' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/src/myproject/container2'
  action :build_if_missing

build from a tarball NOTE: this is not an "export" tarball generated from an an image save. The contents should be a Dockerfile, and anything it references to COPY or ADD

docker_image 'image_3' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/tmp/image_3.tar'
  action :build
docker_image 'hello-again' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/tmp/hello-world.tar'
  action :import


docker_image '' do
  action :push


The docker_image resource properties mostly corresponds to the Docker Remote API as driven by the Swipley docker-api Ruby gem

A docker_image's full identifier is a string in the form "<repo>:<tag>". There is some nuance around the naming when the public registry vs a private one.

  • repo - aka image_name - The first half of a Docker image's identity. This is a string in the form: registry:port/owner/image_name. If the registry:port portion is left off, Docker will implicitly use the Docker public registry. "Official Images" omit the owner part. This means a repo id can look as short as busybox, alpine, or centos, to refer to official images on the public registry, and as long as to refer to custom images on an private registry. Often you'll see something like someara/chef to refer to private images on the public registry. - Defaults to resource name.
  • tag - The second half of a Docker image's identity. - Defaults to latest
  • source - Path to input for the :import, :build and :build_if_missing actions. For building, this can be a Dockerfile, a tarball containing a Dockerfile in its root, or a directory containing a Dockerfile. For import, this should be a tarball containing Docker formatted image, as generated with :save.
  • destination - Path for output from the :save action.
  • force - A force boolean used in various actions - Defaults to false
  • nocache - Used in :build operations. - Defaults to false
  • noprune - Used in :remove operations - Defaults to false
  • rm - Remove intermediate containers after a successful build (default behavior) - Defaults to true
  • read_timeout - May need to increase for long image builds/pulls
  • write_timeout - May need to increase for long image builds/pulls


The following actions are available for a docker_image resource. Defaults to pull_if_missing

  • :pull - Pulls an image from the registry
  • :pull_if_missing - Pulls an image from the registry, only if it missing
  • :build - Builds an image from a Dockerfile, directory, or tarball
  • :build_if_missing - Same build, but only if it is missing
  • :save - Exports an image to a tarball at destination
  • :import - Imports an image from a tarball at destination
  • :remove - Removes (untags) an image
  • :push - Pushes an image to the registry


Docker tags work very much like hard links in a Unix filesystem. They are just references to an existing image. Therefore, the docker_tag resource has taken inspiration from the Chef link resource.


docker_tag 'private repo tag for hello-again:1.0.1' do
  target_repo 'hello-again'
  target_tag 'v0.1.0'
  to_repo 'localhost:5043/someara/hello-again'
  to_tag 'latest'
  action :tag


  • target_repo - The repo half of the source image identifier.
  • target_tag - The tag half of the source image identifier.
  • to_repo - The repo half of the new image identifier
  • to_tag- The tag half of the new image identifier


  • :tag - Tags the image


The docker_container is responsible for managing Docker container actions. It speaks directly to the Docker remote API.

Containers are process oriented, and move through an event cycle. Thanks to Glider Labs for this excellent diagram. alt tag


Create a container without starting it.

docker_container 'hello-world' do
  command '/hello'
  action :create

This command will exit succesfully. This will happen on every chef-client run.

docker_container 'busybox_ls' do
  repo 'busybox'
  command 'ls -la /'
  action :run

The :run_if_missing action will only run once. It is the default action.

docker_container 'alpine_ls' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'ls -la /'
  action :run_if_missing

Set environment variables in a container

docker_container 'env' do
  repo 'debian'
  env ['PATH=/usr/bin', 'FOO=bar']
  command 'env'
  action :run_if_missing

This process remains running between chef-client runs, :run will do nothing on subsequent converges.

docker_container 'an_echo_server' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'nc -ll -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
  port '7:7'
  action :run

Let docker pick the host port

docker_container 'another_echo_server' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'nc -ll -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
  port '7'
  action :run

Specify the udp protocol

docker_container 'an_udp_echo_server' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'nc -ul -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
  port '5007:7/udp'
  action :run

Kill a container

docker_container 'bill' do
  action :kill

Stop a container

docker_container 'hammer_time' do
  action :stop

Pause a container

docker_container 'red_light' do
  action :pause

Unpause a container

docker_container 'green_light' do
  action :unpause

Restart a container

docker_container 'restarter' do
  action :restart

Delete a container

docker_container 'deleteme' do
  remove_volumes true
  action :delete

Redeploy a container

docker_container 'redeployer' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'nc -ll -p 7777 -e /bin/cat'
  port '7'
  action :run

execute 'redeploy redeployer' do
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[redeployer]', :immediately
  action :run

Bind mount local directories

docker_container 'bind_mounter' do
  repo 'busybox'
  command 'ls -la /bits /more-bits'
  binds ['/hostbits:/bits', '/more-hostbits:/more-bits']
  action :run_if_missing

Mount volumes from another container

docker_container 'chef_container' do
  command 'true'
  volumes '/opt/chef'
  action :create

docker_container 'ohai_debian' do
  command '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ohai platform'
  repo 'debian'
  volumes_from 'chef_container'

Set a container's entrypoint

docker_container 'ohai_again_debian' do
  repo 'debian'
  volumes_from 'chef_container'
  entrypoint '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ohai'
  command 'platform'
  action :run_if_missing

Automatically remove a container after it exits

docker_container 'sean_was_here' do
  command "touch /opt/chef/sean_was_here-#{'%Y%m%d%H%M')}"
  repo 'debian'
  volumes_from 'chef_container'
  autoremove true
  action :run

Grant NET_ADMIN rights to a container

docker_container 'cap_add_net_admin' do
  repo 'debian'
  command 'bash -c "ip addr add brd + dev eth0 label eth0:0 ; ip addr list"'
  cap_add 'NET_ADMIN'
  action :run_if_missing

Revoke MKNOD rights to a container

docker_container 'cap_drop_mknod' do
  repo 'debian'
  command 'bash -c "mknod -m 444 /dev/urandom2 c 1 9 ; ls -la /dev/urandom2"'
  cap_drop 'MKNOD'
  action :run_if_missing

Set a container's hostname and domainname

docker_container 'fqdn' do
  repo 'debian'
  command 'hostname -f'
  host_name 'computers'
  domain_name 'biz'
  action :run_if_missing

Set a container's DNS resolution

docker_container 'dns' do
  repo 'debian'
  command 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'
  host_name 'computers'
  dns ['', '']
  dns_search ['', '']
  action :run_if_missing

Add extra hosts to a container's /etc/hosts

docker_container 'extra_hosts' do
  repo 'debian'
  command 'cat /etc/hosts'
  extra_hosts ['east:', 'west:']
  action :run_if_missing

Manage container's restart_policy

docker_container 'try_try_again' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'grep asdasdasd /etc/passwd'
  restart_policy 'on-failure'
  restart_maximum_retry_count 2
  action :run_if_missing

docker_container 'reboot_survivor' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'nc -ll -p 123 -e /bin/cat'
  port '123'
  restart_policy 'always'
  action :run_if_missing

Manage container links

docker_container 'link_source' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  env ['FOO=bar', 'BIZ=baz']
  command 'nc -ll -p 321 -e /bin/cat'
  port '321'
  action :run_if_missing

docker_container 'link_target_1' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  env ['ASD=asd']
  command 'ping -c 1 hello'
  links ['link_source:hello']
  action :run_if_missing

docker_container 'link_target_2' do
  repo 'alpine'
  tag '3.1'
  command 'env'
  links ['link_source:hello']
  action :run_if_missing

execute 'redeploy_link_source' do
  command 'touch /marker_container_redeploy_link_source'
  creates '/marker_container_redeploy_link_source'
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_source]', :immediately
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_target_1]', :immediately
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_target_2]', :immediately
  action :run

Mutate a container between chef-client runs

docker_tag 'mutator_from_busybox' do
  target_repo 'busybox'
  target_tag 'latest'
  to_repo 'someara/mutator'
  target_tag 'latest'

docker_container 'mutator' do
  repo 'someara/mutator'
  tag 'latest'
  command "sh -c 'touch /mutator-`date +\"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S\"`'"
  outfile '/mutator.tar'
  force true
  action :run_if_missing

execute 'commit mutator' do
  command 'true'
  notifies :commit, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
  notifies :export, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
  notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
  action :run

Specify read/write timeouts

docker_container 'api_timeouts' do
  repo 'alpine'
  read_timeout 60
  write_timeout 60


Most docker_container properties are the snake_case version of the CamelCase keys found in the Docker Remote Api

  • container_name - The name of the container. Defaults to the name of the docker_container resource.
  • repo - aka image_name. The first half of a the complete identifier for a Docker Image.
  • tag - The second half of a Docker image's identity. - Defaults to latest.
  • command - The command to run when starting the container.
  • autoremove - Boolean - Automatically delete a container when it's command exits. Defaults to false.
  • binds - An array of : separated paths to bind mount from the host into the container in the form ['/host-bits:/container-bits', '/more-host-bits:/more-container-bits']. Defaults to nil.
  • cap_add - An array Linux Capabilities (man 7 capabilities) to add to grant the container beyond what it normally gets.
  • cap_drop - An array Linux Capabilities (man 7 capabilities) to revoke that the container normally has.
  • cpu_shares - An integer value containing the CPU Shares for the container.
  • devices - A Hash of devices to add to the container.
  • dns - An array of DNS servers the container will use for name resolution.
  • dns_search - An array of domains the container will search for name resolution.
  • domain_name - Set's the container's dnsdomainname as returned by the dnsdomainname command.
  • entry_point - Set the entry point for the container as a string or an array of strings.
  • env - Set environment variables in the container in the form ['FOO=bar', 'BIZ=baz']
  • extra_hosts - An array of hosts to add to the container's /etc/hosts in the form ['host_a:', 'host_b:']
  • force - A boolean to use in container operations that support a force option. Defaults to false
  • host_name - The hostname for the container.
  • links - An array of source container/alias pairs to link the container to in the form [container_a:www', container_b:db']
  • mac_address - The mac address for the container to use.
  • memory - Memory limit in bytes.
  • memory_swap - Total memory limit (memory + swap); set -1 to disable swap. You must use this with memory and make the swap value larger than memory.
  • network_disabled - Boolean to disable networking. Defaults to false.
  • network_mode - Sets the networking mode for the container.
  • open_stdin - Boolean value, opens stdin. Defaults to false.
  • outfile - The path to write the file when using :export action.
  • port - The port configuration to use in the container. Matches the syntax used by the docker CLI tool.
  • privileged - Boolean to start the container in privileged more. Defaults to false
  • publish_all_ports - Allocates a random host port for all of a container’s exposed ports.
  • remove_volumes - A boolean to clean up "dangling" volumes when removing the last container with a reference to it. Default to false to match the Docker CLI behavior.
  • restart_policy - One of no, on-failure, or always. Use always if you want a service container to survive a Dockerhost reboot. Defaults to no.
  • restart_maximum_retry_count - Maximum number of restarts to try when restart_policy is on-failure. Defaults to an ever increasing delay (double the previous delay, starting at 100mS), to prevent flooding the server.
  • security_opts - A list of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux.
  • signal - The signal to send when using the :kill action. Defaults to SIGKILL.
  • tty - Boolean value to allocate a pseudo-TTY. Defaults to false.
  • user - A string value specifying the user inside the container.
  • volumes - An Array of paths inside the container to expose. Does the same thing as the VOLUME directive in a Dockerfile, but works on container creation.
  • volumes_from - A list of volumes to inherit from another container. Specified in the form <container name>[:<ro|rw>]
  • working_dir - A string specifying the working directory for commands to run in.
  • read_timeout - May need to increase for commits or exports that are slow
  • write_timeout - May need to increase for commits or exports that are slow


  • :create - Creates the container but does not start it. Useful for Volume containers.
  • :start - Starts the container. Useful for containers that run jobs.. command that exit.
  • :run - Both :create and :start the container in one action.
  • :run_if_missing - The default action. Runs a container only once.
  • :stop - Stops the container.
  • :restart - Stops the starts the container.
  • :kill - Send a signal to the container process. Defaults to SIGKILL.
  • :pause - Pauses the container.
  • :unpause - Unpauses the container.
  • :delete - Deletes the container.
  • :redeploy - Deletes and runs the container.


The docker_registry resource is responsible for managing the connection auth information to a Docker registry.

docker_registry action :login

Log into or register with public registry:

docker_registry '' do
  username 'publicme'
  password 'hope_this_is_in_encrypted_databag'
  email ''

Log into private registry with optional port:

docker_registry 'my local registry' do
   serveraddress ''
   username 'privateme'
   password 'still_hope_this_is_in_encrypted_databag'

Testing and Development

  • Full development and testing workflow with Test Kitchen and friends:


Please see contributing information in:



Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Chef Cookbook for Docker



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