sklinkert / go-ddd

Go Domain Driven Design Template / Reference

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Question] About pointers

dlopezby93 opened this issue · comments

Hi guys, I was checking the code and a question came up:

in product_service.go this function returns a pointer to the ProductService struct

func NewProductService(
	productRepository repositories.ProductRepository,
	sellerRepository repositories.SellerRepository,
) *ProductService {
	return &ProductService{productRepository: productRepository, sellerRepository: sellerRepository}

but in infrastructure layer product_repository.go this function returns a ProductRepository interface and the method returns a pointer to the concret implementation: GormProductRepository.

func NewGormProductRepository(db *gorm.DB) repositories.ProductRepository {
	return &GormProductRepository{db: db}

From my point of view the NewProductService function should return the interface type to ensure that the consumer has access only to the public methods defined by the interface.

I would like to know the difference between these cases, thank you very much.

Hi @dlopezby93, good catch! I think you are right and I have fixed it here: 99d254d