skiptools / skip

Skip transpiler for creating SwiftUI apps for iOS and Android

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Working fine in iOS not in Android

GaneshRajuGalla opened this issue · comments

I'm encountering a peculiar issue where I've implemented an API and successfully populated a list with it. Everything runs smoothly without errors on iOS. However, on Android, it doesn't display anything, and I'm having difficulty understanding what might be missing.

if am using local data it was working only remote data not showing in android

i am posting code where I am facing

// ContentView
struct ContentView: View {

@StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()

var body: some View {
    NavigationStack {
        List(viewModel.repos, id: \.id) { repo in
            NavigationLink(value: repo) {
                listRow(repo: repo)
        .navigationDestination(for: Repo.self, destination: { repo in
            RepoDetailView(owner: repo.owner)
        .task {
            await viewModel.fetchRepose()


Please do let me know what I am missing

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 4 11 23 AM

Can you share what the transpiled code look like for android?
or you can use this playground to transpile the code

@akashkahalkar thankyou for respose

Here it is my transpiled code

package skip.collab

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import skip.lib.*
import skip.model.*

import skip.ui.*

internal class ContentView: View {

internal var viewModel: ViewModel
    get() = _viewModel.wrappedValue
    set(newValue) {
        _viewModel.wrappedValue = newValue
internal var _viewModel: skip.ui.State<ViewModel>

override fun body(): View {
    return ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
        NavigationStack {
            ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                List(viewModel.repos, id = { }) { repo ->
                    ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                        NavigationLink(value = repo) {
                            ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                                listRow(repo = repo).Compose(composectx)
                .navigationDestination(for_ = Repo::class, destination = { repo ->
                    ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                        RepoDetailView(owner = repo.owner).Compose(composectx)
                .task { { viewModel.fetchRepose() } }.Compose(composectx)

override fun ComposeContent(composectx: ComposeContext) {
    val initialviewModel = _viewModel.wrappedValue
    var composeviewModel by rememberSaveable(stateSaver = composectx.stateSaver as Saver<ViewModel, Any>) { mutableStateOf(initialviewModel) }
    _viewModel.sync(composeviewModel, { composeviewModel = it })


private fun listRow(repo: Repo): View {
    return Label(title = {
        ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
            Text(repo.repoName ?: "").Compose(composectx)
    }, icon = {
        ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
            AsyncImage(url = URL(string = repo.owner?.avatarURL ?: ""), content = { image ->
                ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                        .frame(width = 32.0, height = 32.0).Compose(composectx)
            }, placeholder = {
                ComposeView { composectx: ComposeContext ->
                    // ProgressView()

constructor(viewModel: ViewModel = ViewModel()) {
    this._viewModel = skip.ui.State(viewModel)


Same issue here, Android does not display the remote data :(

Please Let me know if you found any solution for it

The SwiftUI List looks OK to me. Have you tested with locally mocked data? I.e., is it a question of the list not showing anything, or is it possible that the data is not being fetched and updated correctly on the Android side? Is ViewModel.repos a @Published property? Using OSLog.Logger in the app and watching the output with adb logcat can help track the lifecycle of the requests.

I'll close this for now since we think the List should be working, but feel free to re-open it if you have more information about the issue.