skipperbent / simple-php-router

Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.

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Unable to route to non-ASCII letters?

Robinjoeh opened this issue · comments

My route:

Router::get('/κκκκ', 'BaseController@home', ['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\-\p{Greek}]+']);

Yields the following:

Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException: Route not found: "/%CE%BA%CE%BA%CE%BA%CE%BA/"
Stack trace:
#0 /vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php(343): Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router->routeRequest()
#1 /vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/SimpleRouter.php(69): Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router->start()
#2 /app/Router.php(34): Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter::start()

Is there any problem using non-ASCII letters in the router? I tried the same with a group, but unfortunately it is exactly the same result. Is the router correctly decoding the urls?

I fixed your issue in the PR #614.
Feel free to change the affected code in your vendor files temporary until the PR is merged into the next release.

~ Marius

Nicely done. I added urldecode() meanwhile to the route, lets see if yours get merged!