skinny-framework / skinny-framework

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ORM `joins` functionality doesn't include schema name in primary table from clause

gavares opened this issue · comments


Given two entities

case class Permission(id: Long, subjectId: Subject) extends SkinnyRecord[Permission] {
 override def skinnyCRUDMapper: CRUDFeatureWithId[Long, Permission] = Permission

object Permission extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Permission] {
  override val schemaName = "my_schema"
  override def defaultAlias = createAlias("perm")
  override lazy val columns = autoColumns[Permission]("subject")

  val subject = belongsToWithFk[Subject](
    right = Subject,
    fk = column.subjectId.value,
    merge = (p, s) => p.copy(subject = s.get)


And a subject entity:

case class Subject(entityType: String, subjectKey: String, id: Long = -1)
    extends SkinnyRecord[Subject] {
  override def skinnyCRUDMapper: CRUDFeatureWithId[Long, Subject] = Subject

object OrgSubject extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Subject] {
  override val schemaName = Permission.schemaName
  override val tableName = "org_subject"
  override lazy val defaultAlias = createAlias("sub")
  override lazy val columns = autoColumns[Subject]()
  override def useAutoIncrementPrimaryKey = true

Attemping to run:

  Permission.withColumns { p => 
      Permission.joins(Permission.subject).where.eq(, 1)

Generates a query that does not include the schema name for the Permission table but does include the schema name for the Subject table. This causes queries to fail due to table not found:

   select, sub.entity_type, sub.subject_key, from permission as perm left join my_schema.subject  as sub on perm.subject_id = where = 1

In the query above, the from clause should reference the permission table as my_schema.permission instead of just permission.

This behavior happens for all the entity relations I've tried: hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo

I'm currently using skinny-orm: 4.0.0

If I remember correctly, this kind of issue tends to depend on the underlying JDBC driver's behavior. I am open to merging external contributions to fix it as long as the change does not bring any breaking changes to existing apps.