skilion / onedrive

Free Client for OneDrive on Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sync error

m4chi opened this issue · comments


I am not very skilled with all this, but it seems that onedrive does not sync any more on my system (Ubuntu 18.4), onedrive version 2.4.0. When I try to synchonize, I get the following output:

onedrive --display-sync-status --monitor
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Local directory is out of sync with OneDrive
Approximate data to transfer: 197 KB
Initializing monitor ...
OneDrive monitor interval (seconds): 45
The database is currently locked by another process - cannot sync

Trying a resync brings up an even more disturbing message:

onedrive --resync --monitor
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Syncing changes from OneDrive ...

A database statement execution error occurred: disk I/O error

Any comments are highly appreciated!

The 'skilion' client does not receive any support (reference) and contains issues / defects that put you at risk of data loss. Despite a new version release in Oct 2020, these defects remain. If you wish to use a client which is fully supported please refer to:

Specific to your problem, the 'skilion' client version is v1.1.4 and below, as you are running v2.4.0, this would be my fork.

However, if you are running v2.4.0 you are running a version that is ~13 months old (and also non supported), and most likely you installed via sudo apt install onedrive which also is not supported in any way. Please refer to on how to correctly install the client.

Additionally, this error: A database statement execution error occurred: disk I/O error means you have 2 copies of the program running - most likely 1 is via systemd, the other your manual execution.

Lastly, as this issue you have opened up is 100% irrelevant to the 'skilion' code, please close this issue.


Oh no, I see I totally messed this one up. My sincere apologies for wasting you time, and my gratitude for your patient and very helpful answer. Now I know where to look and what to look for!!! THANK YOU!