skarabasakis / text-transformer

A project I am working on for a tutorial on GUI application development with python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Text Transformer

Text transformer is a toy application that transforms text in various fun ways:

  • silence: Remove all the vowels
  • leetify: Convert to leetspeak
  • ransomize: Randomly mix uppercase and lowercase letters for a ransom note effect
  • jumble: Shuffle the middle letters of all words, like in the popular typoglycemia internet meme

Text transformer implements three distinct frontends:

  • a command line interface


  • a tkinter GUI (--tkui)


  • a browser-based GUI (--webui)


Local development setup


  • Python 3.9 with tkinter
  • Poetry 1.x

Setup instructions

  1. Clone the project
  2. Install dependencies: poetry install
  3. Activate virtualenv: poetry shell


A project I am working on for a tutorial on GUI application development with python


Language:CSS 52.0%Language:JavaScript 46.4%Language:Python 1.2%Language:HTML 0.3%