can't run docui on macOS
mimikun opened this issue · comments
mimikun commented
Thank you for creating useful tools.
A problem occurred when installing.
I did:
$ go get -d
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ GO111MODULE=on go install
$ docui
panic: invalid dimensions
goroutine 1 [running]:*Gui).init(0xc000072300)
/Users/mimikun/go/src/ +0xf57, 0x1446a20)
/Users/mimikun/go/src/ +0x138
/Users/mimikun/go/src/ +0x2e
my envrionments:
- macOS 10.14.2
- Docker CE v18.09.1
- Go v1.11.4 darwin/amd64
skanehira commented
Thank you issue.
If screen size is too small, it will not work.
Please increase the size of terminal and tell me whether it works or not.
I'll resolve this bug in the near future.
mimikun commented
Thank you.
I was increase the size of terminal.
It's worked.
Specifically, it is full screen size.
I think, an error occurs if the number of rows is less.
skanehira commented
I think, an error occurs if the number of rows is less.
That right.
If screen is too small, docui cannot draw screen.
That is gocui's specification.
mimikun commented
I see.
Thank you!