sjitech / proxy-login-automator

A single node.js script to automatically inject user/password to http proxy server via a local forwarder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

proxy-login-automator - access to process.binding ('http_parser') is deprecated

chicco64 opened this issue · comments

Dear Sir,
I recently discovered your interesting software.
I followed your instructions on a Debian11 virtual machine with node v17.1.0
I cannot access the network through your software.
When I open the "chrome browser" and set it to "localhost: 8081" your software goes into "aborted".
See attached photos
Can you help me ?
Thank you

Having the same issue


So am I!

Use 3proxy, similar functionality with cfg file

auth iponly

allow *
parent 1000 connect 'ip_proxy1' 'port_proxy1' 'login_proxy1' 'pass_proxy1'
proxy -p'local_port1' -ilocalhost

allow *
parent 1000 connect 'ip_proxy2' 'port_proxy2' 'login_proxy2' 'pass_proxy2'
proxy -p'local_port2' -ilocalhost