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Chrome on Android not installed on device

Andrej1198 opened this issue · comments

Have you read the documentation?


What are you trying to accomplish

Hi @soulgalore

I was wondering if you have encountered the following issue before?

I am trying to launch chrome on android using our device farm(run by bitbar)

And I keep getting the following error:

raptor-browsertime Info: chrome failed to start, trying 2 more time(s): unknown error: is not installed on device RR8R10B7DWY

raptor-browsertime Info: chrome failed to start, trying 1 more time(s): unknown error: is not installed on device RR8R10B7DWY

raptor-browsertime Info: chrome failed to start, trying 0 more time(s): unknown error: is not installed on device RR8R10B7DWY

At which point I get a browsertime error message telling me it failed to run, failure stack below

I believe this issue is similar to the one encountered with #1331 and related to an activity change in android chrome

The old default_activity was, whereas now the default_activity is

It fails in lib/core/seleniumRunner.js
The following baseDir(this.baseDir) was used: /builds/task_167884022773121/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/browsertime-results/google
The following options(this.options) is set when running:

I'm part of Mozilla the try job can be found here: and the full log can be found here:

What browser did you use?

Chrome Android

How to reproduce

Run a browsertime test with the following commands: (

/builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/node/bin/node /builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js --firefox.geckodriverPath /builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/geckodriver --chrome.chromedriverPath /builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/109chromedriver /builds/task_167884022773121/workspace/build/tests/raptor/raptor/browsertime/../../browsertime/browsertime_pageload.js --firefox.noDefaultPrefs --browsertime.page_cycle_delay 1000 --skipHar --pageLoadStrategy none --webdriverPageload true --firefox.disableBrowsertimeExtension true --pageCompleteCheckStartWait 5000 --pageCompleteCheckPollTimeout 1000 --timeouts.pageLoad 60000 --timeouts.script 120000 --browsertime.page_cycles 2 --pageCompleteWaitTime 5000 --browsertime.url --browsertime.post_startup_delay 1000 --iterations 15 --videoParams.androidVideoWaitTime 20000 --browsertime.chimera true --browsertime.test_bytecode_cache false --firefox.perfStats false --browsertime.commands  --viewPort 1366x695 --videoParams.convert false --videoParams.addTimer false --browser chrome --android --chrome.args=--use-mock-keychain --chrome.args=--no-default-browser-check --chrome.args=--no-first-run --chrome.args=--proxy-server= --chrome.args=--proxy-bypass-list=localhost; --chrome.args=--ignore-certificate-errors --resultDir /builds/task_167884022773121/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/browsertime-results/google --firefox.profileTemplate /tmp/tmpkj0o9cse.mozrunner --video true --visualMetrics true --visualMetricsContentful true --visualMetricsPerceptual true --visualMetricsPortable true --videoParams.keepOriginalVideo true --firefox.windowRecorder false --xvfbParams.display 0 --browsertime.testName google --browsertime.liveSite False --browsertime.loginRequired True

Relevant log output

Failure stack:
INFO -  raptor-browsertime Info:     at SeleniumRunner.start (/builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/lib/core/seleniumRunner.js:93:13)
[task 2023-03-15T01:19:14.918Z] 01:19:14     INFO -  raptor-browsertime Info:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
[task 2023-03-15T01:19:14.918Z] 01:19:14     INFO -  raptor-browsertime Info:     at async (/builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/lib/core/engine/iteration.js:114:7)
[task 2023-03-15T01:19:14.918Z] 01:19:14     INFO -  raptor-browsertime Info:     at async Engine.runByScript (/builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/lib/core/engine/index.js:270:20)
[task 2023-03-15T01:19:14.918Z] 01:19:14     INFO -  raptor-browsertime Info:     at async run (/builds/task_167884022773121/fetches/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js:101:22)

Also should mention that I cannot reproduce the issue locally, only on the using the bitbar service does the issue appear

Hi @Andrej1198 what Chrome/Chromedriver and Android version do you use? There was a bug in Chromedriver that Chrome could not start on Android 13 (I had that problem locally), could it be that? I think when we run Chrome using Chromedriver we do not set the activity, that comes automatically in Chromedriver, so it could be that you need to update the version?

We also run tests on BitBar and Chrome works for me there (Chrome 111). However I have the almost the same problem as you but with Firefox on BitBar, it started to happen a week ago or something like that. I've been trying to fix the issue but haven't done that yet (works locally though so I cannot reproduce it) :|

Thanks for the speedy response! :)
I am using Android 11 and for chrome I am using Chrome 109.0.5414.117 and Chromedriver 109.0.5414.25
What version of chrome and chromedriver are you using? I would like to try changing to that version and see if that resolves the issue for me

On BitBar we use Chrome 111.0.5563.57 and Chromedriver 110.0.5481.77 (on Moto G5 and Samsung A51).

Where do you get your apks out of curiosity?

BitBar installed Chrome and then we auto update our update through the Play store.

Okay, good to know! Thanks

How do you auto-update through the play store?
Is there an adb command to do so?

Using the GUI. BitBar has configured so Chrome isn't changed between new runs.

What GUI are you referring to? Is there public documentation for this GUI?

Sorry using "LiveTesting" in BitBar I think you should ask them for help :)

Will do thank you for everything!
I will leave this issue open and leave my solution to the issue when I'm done

Hey @soulgalore I'm closing the issue

As it turns out the issue was due to a miscommunication, chrome on our android devices were disabled and we were not aware(we thought it was uninstalled). Chrome being disabled and chrome not being installed give the same error message from chromedriver which we were not aware of, hope this helps you with resolving your similar issue.

In our case chrome was being disabled with this command: pm uninstall -k --user 0
To re-enable the disabled app we ran the following command: cmd package install-existing

A way you can check if your app is installed but not enabled is by running the enabling command(which should not fail if the app is already enabled) or by checking that the following command lists your packageadb shell dumpsys package and checking that the package is also in /data/app we did find that when running pm list packages the package should not be listed if it is disabled

Hope this helps you resolve your issues!

Thank you @Andrej1198 for the explanation!