sitedata / rdap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RDAP: Registration Data Access Protocol, for Domain Registries and Regional Internet Registries.
This project is a starting point for registries to build rdap service so that they need not to start from scratch.
The project is written in Java. Modules:

rdap-service Install

Tested Operating environment : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3, CentOS release 5.7, Win7, Win8, OS X 10.8.4.

  1. Install JDK7, or higher version. (Skip this step if already installed)

  2. Install Mysql5, or higher version. (Skip this step if already installed)

    Create user 'rdap' and grant privilege:
    ($RDAP_SERVER_IP must change to rdap server IP, $MYSQL_PASSWORD change to 'rdap' user's password)


    More details please ref here.

  3. Install Tomcat7, or higher version. (Skip this step if already installed)

    Download and Install Tomcat7 or higher version, and HTTP port use default port 8080 (see here if use other port).
    Installed Tomcat root folder called '$TOMCAT_HOME', which contains folders:bin,conf,lib,webapps,etc.

  4. Get RDAP war file.
    There are two methods to get RDAP war file:

  5. Deploy RDAP war to tomcat.

    • Create folder 'rdap' in dir $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/
    • Unzip RDAP war file to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/rdap/
    • Edit database configuration file
    • Edit global configuration file
  6. Init database.
    This step will create database named 'rdap', and you can insert test data into it.
    This step will use database info in you haved configured before.
    WARN: this step will DROP database of 'jdbc.url.dbName' if it is existing, and then recreate it.

    	cd $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/rdap/WEB-INF/classes
    	CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH   #in windows this command can be ignored
    	java -Djava.ext.dirs=../lib org.restfulwhois.rdap.init.Init initschema

    If it throws exception in this step(maybe for windows), you can initial database by execute 'source $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/rdap/WEB-INF/classes/init/mysql/init-schema.sql' in Mysql shell.

  7. Start up and shutdown

    • Start up tomcat
    [in Linux/OS X, open a shell and execute command:]
    	cd $TOMCAT_HOME		#$TOMCAT_HOME must be replaced by real dir
    [in Windows, open command prompt window and execute command:]
    	cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin		#$TOMCAT_HOME must be replaced by real dir
    • Test if it is runing ok
    curl -H Accept:application/rdap+json http://$RDAP_SERVER_IP:$RDAP_SERVER_PORT/rdap/autnum/2100

    It's ok if response contains 'rdapConformance'.

    • Shutdown tomcat

    [in Linux/OS X, open a shell and execute command:] cd $TOMCAT_HOME #$TOMCAT_HOME must be replaced by real dir bin/ [in Windows, open command prompt window and execute command:] cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin #$TOMCAT_HOME must be replaced by real dir shutdown.bat

    * Log    
     Log file is $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out.   

rdap-proxy43 Install

Proxy43 Install

RDAP reference

RDAP reference


Simplified BSD License


We love contributions! You can fork us on github.Please refer to contribution guidelines for details.

Any questions please create issue with details.



Language:Java 100.0%