sirupsen / logrus

Structured, pluggable logging for Go.

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Indirect go-spew dep and outdated versions of go mod in branch

xakepp35 opened this issue · comments


For now if I run go mod tidy in a project that imports logrus, it will pyll testify 1.2.2 and it has very werid go mod, that pollutes me with older packages a bit:

So i've forced to do go get to get it at current master revision, things became a bit better, but its not totally clean even then, because your go mod forces indirect go-spew 1.1.1 and testify uses 1.1.0, so go.sum forced to have 2 of them for not reason.

basically i want you to

  1. delete go.sum file, and remove go.mod require block.
  2. run go mod tidy, it should produce only testify v1.7.0 and v0.0.0-20210917161153-d61c044b1678 as for today
  3. merge that to master and make 1.8.2 release with that, so master and tagged stuff will have lean and mean deps!

also i am thinking to ask testify authors to update new testify tag with go spew 1.1.1, its not that hard to track deps to be latest, especially if you releasing new tag - just update all deps right before you are going to release new tag and everyone will stay sharp

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