sirupsen / logrus

Structured, pluggable logging for Go.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[vuln] possible vulnerability

MushiTheMoshi opened this issue · comments

Hi Guys, a friend of mine have recently start using this lib and he's getting something that looks like a possible vulnerability to us.

package main

import (

func main() {
  log       := logrus.New()


 Out: (*os.File)(0xc00000e020)({
  file: (*os.file)(0xc000058120)({
   pfd: (poll.FD) {
    fdmu: (poll.fdMutex) {
     state: (uint64) 0,
     rsema: (uint32) 0,
     wsema: (uint32) 0
    Sysfd: (int) 2,
    pd: (poll.pollDesc) {
     runtimeCtx: (uintptr) <nil>
    iovecs: (*[]syscall.Iovec)(<nil>),
    csema: (uint32) 0,
    isBlocking: (uint32) 1,
    IsStream: (bool) true,
    ZeroReadIsEOF: (bool) true,
    isFile: (bool) true
   name: (string) (len=11) "/dev/stderr",
   dirinfo: (*os.dirInfo)(<nil>),
   nonblock: (bool) false,
   stdoutOrErr: (bool) true,
   appendMode: (bool) false
 Hooks: (logrus.LevelHooks) {
 Formatter: (*logrus.TextFormatter)(0xc000058300)({
  ForceColors: (bool) false,
  DisableColors: (bool) false,
  ForceQuote: (bool) false,
  DisableQuote: (bool) false,
  EnvironmentOverrideColors: (bool) false,
  DisableTimestamp: (bool) false,
  FullTimestamp: (bool) false,
  TimestampFormat: (string) "",
  DisableSorting: (bool) false,
  SortingFunc: (func([]string)) <nil>,
  DisableLevelTruncation: (bool) false,
  PadLevelText: (bool) false,
  QuoteEmptyFields: (bool) false,
  isTerminal: (bool) false,
  FieldMap: (logrus.FieldMap) <nil>,
  CallerPrettyfier: (func(*runtime.Frame) (string, string)) <nil>,
  terminalInitOnce: (sync.Once) {
   done: (uint32) 0,
   m: (sync.Mutex) {
    state: (int32) 0,
    sema: (uint32) 0
  levelTextMaxLength: (int) 0
 ReportCaller: (bool) false,
 Level: (logrus.Level) info,
 mu: (logrus.MutexWrap) {
  lock: (sync.Mutex) {
   state: (int32) 0,
   sema: (uint32) 0
  disabled: (bool) false
 entryPool: (sync.Pool) {
  noCopy: (sync.noCopy) {
  local: (unsafe.Pointer) <nil>,                 <<< is this block correct?
  localSize: (uintptr) <nil>,
  victim: (unsafe.Pointer) <nil>,              <<< is "victim" and "victimSize" correct? 
  victimSize: (uintptr) <nil>, 
  New: (func() interface {}) <nil>
 ExitFunc: (logrus.exitFunc) 0x4a5380

The last part seems a bit suspicious, is this normal ? , is "victim" and "victimSize" part of the library?

Looking forward to hearing from you!


If it's the words "victim" and "victimSize", then I think those come from; see golang/go@2dcbf8b

oh my mistake, please ignore this, you got to admit name convention is a bit confusing hehe.

Yes, the naming is definitely confusing; I also had to do a quick search to be sure ( can be useful for that:[lang][0]=Go)

oh that's very useful, we couldn't find it in the lib that's why we came across with the idea of a vuln. Thank you for your help!