sipper69 / Control3

Control3 Laptop KVM (CH9329)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Screen Scaling results in almost unusable application window

Arbad-147 opened this issue · comments

I have an XPS with a 4k screen that I run at 200% scale...

What I get is a windows that is too small to display everything. I've tried setting the compatibility and it seems to make no difference.

Control3 Window

I know this is not a project that you have much time for but I'm wondering if you could take a look and see if it's something simple.

Thanks Very much

Thanks for sending those three cables


Hi Kevin.

Never put any effort in scaling of the main window.
But I will now :-)

I'll find some time somewhere this month, will do that on the MS App Store version, not this repository though.
Seeing the screenshot, you don't have a problem with regular use (start a session) at the moment, right?

I was able to make it work by clicking near what I think is there and it launches... I have used it a few times last week and it worked great. I didn't have to go get a monitor and carry that to the server room...

I'm arguing with it today, I got screen but no keyboard. I haven't started troubleshooting that yet. I think its a bad usb c to a adapter

Oh, and thank you so much for this tool... and your help.

You're welcome!

Please update through the Microsoft App store and you're scaling will be fixed ;-)

Hi Kevin,

I use a couple of cables frequently, never issues.
But, having handled around 30 cables (test before send) one died on me as well.
Cables are the same as you point out from Ali.
They're no A-grade cables, but personally I'm very satisfied with price/quality.

I'm happy to hear Control3 is of use to you!
