siokas / denomander

Deno command-line interfaces made easy

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Command throws error when parsing number

halvardssm opened this issue · comments

Hi! I found a bug which happens when passing a number to a command.

How to reproduce:

import Denomander from "";

const program = new Denomander();
program.command("foo [bar]", "Foo")
program.globalOption("--baz", "Baz")

deno run mod.ts foo 1

The error:

error: Uncaught TypeError: text.substr is not a function
    return text.substr(0, 2).replace(/-/g, "") +
    at Function.stripDashes (
    at Array.find (<anonymous>)
    at Function.findCommandFromArgs (
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Executor.defaultCommands (
    at Denomander.execute (
    at (
    at Denomander.parse (

Also, when passing an option e.g. deno run mod.ts foo bar --baz buz, both bar and baz will have the value buz instead of foo=bar and baz=buz

Hi. Thanks for pointing out. It is a bug. I am working on it!

Ok I fixed the first one. As for the second (option parsing) I think there is no bug there.

  program.globalOption("--baz", "Baz");

program.command("foo [bar]", "Foo").action(({ bar }: any) => {
deno run examples/example.ts foo 1234 --baz buz

Great, thanks! I assume the second bug was fixed when the first one was solved 👍

Btw, any chance we can get a patch update with this fix? 🙏

Just updated it. v0.6.2


@siokas This might be a followup, let me know if you want me to open a new issue. When using 0 as a value e.g. deno run mod.ts foo 0, it gets parsed as undefined.

I tried like deno run mod.ts foo 0but for me it works fine. I also wrote a test about this and it passes.

test("command_argument_parse_number_0", function () {
  const program = new Denomander();
  const args = ["foo", "0"];

  let result = 1;

  program.command("foo [bar]", "Foo")
    .action(({ bar }: any) => {
      result = bar;


  assertEquals(result, 0);

and I am sure that it parses it as number because I also tried with const args = ["foo", "000"]; and it again returns 0 as number.