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Pepper applications as Native Client or JavaScript

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pepper.js is a JavaScript library that enables the compilation of native Pepper applications into JavaScript using Emscripten. This allows the simultaneous deployment of native code on the web both as a Portable Native Client (PNaCl) executable and as JavaScript. Native Pepper applications can now be run in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and more.

Project Status

pepper.js is incomplete and under development. Expect that you'll need to get your hands dirty. Bug reports, feature requests, and patches are welcome.

Note: for more up-to-date documentation, check out the wiki.

Upgrade Notes

Older version of pepper.js included Emscripten to simplify the install process. This approach resulted in some rather unfortunate versioning issues, so it has been discontinued. To use pepper.js, you must now install Emscripten yourself. This will be covered in the "Getting Started" section. If you have previously used pepper.js, you will need to upgrade:

  • Install the Emscripten SDK.
  • Manually delete the "emscripten" directory from this repo.
  • Make sure either emcc is in your search path (prefered), or the EMSCRIPTEN environment variable is set.

Getting Started

Clone this repo using git.

Install the NaCl SDK. Set the NACL_SDK_ROOT environment variable to be an absolute path that points to the desired pepper_* directory inside of the NaCl SDK. For example, to temporarily set the environment variable:

set NACL_SDK_ROOT=c:\path\to\nacl_sdk\pepper_31  (Windows)
export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/nacl_sdk/pepper_31  (Almost everything else)

pepper_31 and up are supported. (The main dependency on pepper_31 is its toolchain, however, and not its header files and libraries. It is possible to use an older version of Pepper by setting the LLVM environment variable to point to a toolchain other than the one contained in NACL_SDK_ROOT.)

Install the Emscripten SDK.

Note that Ubuntu Precise does not have a new enough version of node.js. If you accidently call the system version of node.js, you get the following error:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'appendFileSync'

Emscripten expects a python2 binary to exist. If it does not exist on your system, such as on OSX, you can create a symlink. sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2

Building the Examples

cd examples
make TOOLCHAIN=emscripten CONFIG=Debug
make TOOLCHAIN=emscripten CONFIG=Release
make TOOLCHAIN=pnacl CONFIG=Debug
make TOOLCHAIN=pnacl CONFIG=Release

When you run Emscripten for the first time, it will build a few dependencies in the background and the compilation may appear to hang. Emscripten will also create a create a configuration file named ~/.emscripten. You may need to edit this file if it fails to guess the correct paths, or you want to use a version other than the one it guessed. If you install the Emscripten SDK, this should not be a problem.

Running the Examples

cd .. (out of the examples directory)
python ./tools/

Surf to Note that this web server can be accessed remotely, for better and for worse.

Note that to run the NaCl examples you'll need to pass --enable-nacl to Chrome on the command line or enable it in about:flags.

Developing with pepper.js

To create an application that can target both Native Client and Emscripten, it is necessary to work within the constraints of both platforms. To do this, an application must be written to use the Pepper Plugin API, must not use threads, and must not rely on memory mapping or any sort of memory page protection.

To be compatible with Native Client, it is necessary to use the Pepper Plugin API to interact with the browser. In the general case, Emscripten lets a developer define JavaScript functions that can be invoked synchronously from native code. pepper.js provides a set of JavaScript functions that implement Pepper and invoking any other JavaScript functions would break cross-toolchain compatibility.

To be compatible with Emscripten, it is necessary to structure the program so that it does not create additional threads and does not block the main thread. In other words, the program must be written as if it were an event-driven JavaScript program. The Pepper Plugin API imposes the same non-blocking requirement on its main thread of execution, so this constraint is equivalent to requiring that a Pepper plugin only runs on the main thread and does not create any additional threads.

Emscripten also exposes a simplified version of the traditional native memory model: memory is a linear array. This means that page protections do not exist, memory accesses never fault, and mmap is not supported. The Pepper Plugin API implicitly uses mmap in a few of its APIs, and pepper.js emulates mmaping by silently copying on use any memory that may have been modified. This approach has obvious performance implications, but for the moment it provides the best emulation of Pepper’s semantics.

Note: not having page protections results in a subtle "gotcha" when porting to Emscripten. Dereferencing a null pointer (or accessing unmapped memory of any sort) will cause a segfault in Native Client (and pretty much any other native platform) whereas it will succeed in Emscripten and return junk data. According to the C spec, dereferencing a null pointer results in undefined behavior, so this is theoretically "working as intended". In practice, however, existing code may rely on null pointer dereferences causing memory faults to implicitly assert a pointer is not null. This is a subtle portability issue for Emscripten and generally a bad idea, even when not targeting Emscripten.

Of course, all of these constraints can be worked around using the C preprocessor and conditional compilation. For example, threading can be enabled on Native Client by guarding the relevant code with #if defined(__native_client__) ... #endif. Emscripten-specific functionality can be conditioned on defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__). This approach is generally not recommended, but there are situations where the benefits outweigh the additional complexity - such as performance improvements from multithreading or calling directly to JavaScript rather than mediating through postMessage.

C++ Exceptions

The use of C++ exceptions is currently discouraged for two reasons. First, Emscripten disables exception handling by default for -O1 and higher. This can be overridden by passing -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 to Emscripten, but doing so may or may not result in a noticeable performance penalty. Additional code will be generated at every call site an exception could propagate through. Second, exceptions are currently not supported by PNaCl.


pepper.js lets a single Pepper plugin be deployed as both a Native Client executable and as JavaScript. Choosing a single technology and sticking with it would make life simpler, but there are advantages and disadvantages to each technology. Deploying different technologies in different circumstances let an application play to the strengths of each.

Native Client generally provides better performance than JavaScript, particularly when threading is leveraged. On the downside, Native Client executables are currently only supported by Chrome. JavaScript has much more pervasive browser support. It should be noted that although JavaScript "runs everywhere," performance can vary widely between browsers, even on the same hardware. Web users also have a wide spectrum of CPU and GPU power. If possible, design your applications to scale across differing amounts of processing power, no matter which technology is being used.

In terms of file size, it appears that Native Client and Emscripten produce executables of roughly the same size, once they are stripped/minimized and gzipped. They are different versions of the same program, so it is unsurprising their compressed sizes are similar.

Portable Native Client

In addition to only running on Chrome, the original version of Native Client is further restricted to only run as a Chrome Web App. Native Client executables contain architecture-specific code, which makes them inappropriate for running on the open web. There is, however, an architecture neutral version of Native Client called Portable Native Client. Portable Native Client executables contain platform-neutral bitcode, making it better suited for the open web. Starting in Chrome 31, PNaCl executables can be loaded in arbitrary web pages. For applications running on the open web, PNaCl is required, but when deploying as a Chrome App, it may be advantageous to use NaCl.

Build System Configuration

Note: configuring the build system to use pepper.js is currently a little complicated. The instructions will likely change in future versions. Expect that you may need to update your build when pulling a new version of pepper.js.

Building an example with V=1 TOOLCHAIN=emscripten will show the flags being passed to Emscripten. If you want to set up your own build system, there's a few flags you must pass to the linker to use pepper.js. Here's a flag-by-flag breakdown of what's going on when the examples are built.


pepper.js creates function tables for each PPAPI interfaces at runtime. Emscripten requires that space for each function pointer is reserved at link time.

-s TOTAL_MEMORY=33554432

Emscripten defaults to a 16 MB address space, which may to be too small. Tune the size for your particular application.


The "ppapi" library contains boilerplate needed to bind the PPAPI plugin to JS.

-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_DoPostMessage', '_DoChangeView', '_DoChangeFocus', '_NativeCreateInstance', '_HandleInputEvent']"

These functions are called by pepper.js, and they must be exported by your application.

To make pepper.js work Emscripten needs to include a number of files using the --pre-js flag. In all cases, ppapi_preamble.js must be included. Depending on what interfaces the program being compiled needs, the corresponding files in the wrappers/ directory must be included. If you are using the File IO API, you will also need to include third_party/idb.filesystem.js. This situation will hopefully be changed in the future to minimize the number of command line flags required.

--closure 1

Emscripten has a built-in option to use the Closure Compiler to minimize the JavaScript it generates. This option should only be used for release builds because minification obfuscates the generated code, similar to optimization passes in C compilers. The minimization process renames variables and methods. To maintain correctness, the Closure Compiler needs to avoid renaming variables and methods that are built in to the browser. If it renames built-in names, the resulting program breaks. pepper.js uses a number of relatively new APIs that Closure does not know about, yet. Closure will mangle these names unless it is explicitly told to preserve them. To prevent these APIs from being mangled, they can be declared "extern" in a JavaScript file and passed to Closure. Emcsripten calls Closure internally, and extern declarations must be tunneled to Closure through an environment variable rather than being passed on the command line.

EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS=--externs $(PEPPERJS_SRC_ROOT)/externs.js --externs $(PEPPERJS_SRC_ROOT)/third_party/w3c_audio.js

PPAPI Interfaces in pepper.js

Unsupported Interfaces

There are currently a few Pepper Interfaces not supported by pepper.js. For example, PPB_MessageLoop is not supported because it only makes sense when additional threads are created. There are also a number of interfaces that simply haven’t been implemented, yet:

  • PPB_Gamepad
  • PPB_MouseCursor
  • PPB_TouchInputEvent
  • Networking-related interfaces
    • PPB_HostResolver
    • PPB_NetAddress
    • PPB_NetworkProxy
    • PPB_TCPSocket
    • PPB_UDPSocket
    • PPB_WebSocket

Incomplete Support

pepper.js was developed using test-driven development. Features are only added when tests are available (either automatic or manual). This means that even if an interface is supported, there may be missing features or subtle incompatibilities where test coverage is not available. Lack of test coverage will be the main difficulty in getting pepper.js to v1.0.

If an unimplemented interface is requested, pepper.js will return a null pointer and log the request to the JavaScript console. If an unimplemented function is called, an exception with be thrown.

To find which interfaces have been implemented, run the following command in the root of the repo:

git grep "registerInterface(\""

To find unimplemented functions:

git grep "not implemented"

If you need a particular interface or function for your application, do not hesitate to file a feature request on the bug tracker. Test cases and patches are welcome, if you're particularly interested in the feature.

Implementation Errata

The Graphics2D and Graphics3D interfaces will automatically swap buffers every frame, even if Flush or SwapBuffers is not called. This behavior should not be noticeable for most applications. Explicit swapping could be emulated by creating an offscreen buffer, but this would cost time and memory.

Graphics3D may not strictly honor PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_* parameters but best effort will be made to do something reasonable. WebGL provides less control than PPAPI, and pepper.js is implemented on top of WebGL. For example, if a 24-bit depth buffer is requested there will be a depth buffer but WebGL only makes guarantees that depth buffers are at least 16 bits.

In NaCl, PPB_View specifies coordinates in terms of device independent pixels (the resolution of your screen, divided by a constant factor for high DPI displays). Most DOM elements work in terms of CSS pixels, however, which are affected by zooming in or out on a page and other forms of full-page scaling. In effect, NaCl sees the rectangle it occupies on the screen grow and shrink when the page is scaled. NaCl can transform from device independent pixels to CSS pixels by using the scaling factor returned from GetCSSScale. pepper.js always works in terms of CSS pixels because JavaScript does not appear to expose such a scaling factor. GetCSSScale will always return 1. In effect, pepper.js does not see the rectangle it occupies change when zooming in or out on a page.

Using BGRA image formats will result in a silent performance penalty. In general, web APIs tend to be strongly opinionated that premultiplied RGBA is the image format that should be used. Any other format must be manually converted into premultiplied RGBA.

The Audio API only supports one sample rate - whatever the underlying Web Audio API uses, which is whatever the OS defaults to, which tends to be either 44.1k or 48k. 48k appears to be a little more common. This means that an app expecting a particular sample rate may not be able to get it, and this can cause serious difficulties. In the future, resampling could be performed as a polyfill, but this would be slow.

URLLoader intentionally deviates from the native implementation's behavior when it is at odds with XMLHttpRequest. For example, pepper.js does not identify CORS failures as PP_ERROR_NOACCESS, instead it returns PP_ERROR_FAILED.

URLLoader does not stream - the data appears all at once. This is a consequence of doing an XHR with requestType set to arraybuffer, it does not appear to give partial results.

If multiple mouse buttons are held, pepper.js will list all of them as event modifiers. PPAPI will only list one button - the one with the lowest enum value. There is a known bug where pepper.js will not update the modifier state if a button is pressed or released outside of pepper.js's canvas.

Platform Errata

PPB_Graphics3D does not work on Internet Explorer 10 or before because WebGL is not supported. IE11 supports WebGL to some extent, but it still has a way to go before it is considered a conformant implementation of WebGL 1.0. It is missing features such as bufferSubData and accepting arrays of byte indices when drawing elements. If you want a 3D app to work on IE11, you must test it on IE11 and find workarounds for missing features. WebGL is supported on Safari, but it must be manually enabled:

PPB_MouseLock and PPB_Fullscreen are only supported in Chrome and Firefox. The behavior of these interfaces varies somewhat between the two browsers, however. Safari supports fullscreen, but does not support mouse lock.

The file interfaces are currently supported only by Chrome. (Creation and last access time are not supported, even on Chrome.) A polyfill for Firefox and IE is included in pepper.js, but it has a few known bugs - such as not being able to resize existing files. Another issue is that the Closure compiler will rename fields in persistent data structures, resulting in data incompatibility/loss between Debug and Release versions, and possibly even between different Release versions.

Chrome will smoothly scale the image composited into the page when using pepper.js, all other browsers will do nearest-neighbor scaling. Native Client executables will do nearest-neighbor scaling in Chrome. This means low res or pixel style graphics will be slightly blurred on Chrome with pepper.js, unless the back buffer is the same size as the view port and the scaling factor for high DPI displays is accounted for.

Input events are a little fiddly due to inconsistencies between browsers. For example, the delta for scroll wheel events is scaled differently in different browsers. pepper.js attempts to normalize this, but in general, cross-platform inconsistencies should be expected in the input event interface.

Mobile browsers have not been tested.

The "Probe Interfaces" example should help discover what interfaces are available on a particular platform.

Getting Help


Pepper applications as Native Client or JavaScript

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%