singlewind / geojson-elevation

Add juicy elevation data to your fresh GeoJSON

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GeoJSON Elevation

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Add juicy elevation data to your fresh GeoJSON.

Check out the demo app, if you want to get a feel for it.


npm install --save geojson-elevation


The module exports a single function, addElevation:

addElevation(geojson, elevationProvider, cb)


  • geojson is the GeoJSON object to add elevation data to
  • elevationProvider is an object with the method getElevation(latLng, cb) - typically, you pass a TileSet instance from node-hgt
  • cb is a callback that is called when the elevation data has been added (or an error occurs), the callback should take to args: err (undefined if the operation succeeds) and geojson, which is the GeoJSON instance that was passed to the function


var addElevation = require('geojson-elevation').addElevation,
    TileSet = require('node-hgt').TileSet;

addElevation(geojson, new TileSet('./data'), function(err) {
    if (!err) {
    } else {


Add juicy elevation data to your fresh GeoJSON

License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%