single-spa / single-spa-vue

a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications

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Props with Vue3 and Typescript

Lalaluka opened this issue · comments

I had a go on migrating some of our Vue2 Microfrontends to Vue3.
Also, I threw Typescript into the mix.

I'm not sure if it's an issue with the Package itself or just a missing bit of the documentation.

I encountered a problem with the usage of props. The SingleSpaOptsVue3 type doesn't have the props defined to typescript won't compile it. This is of course Typescript exclusive

const vueLifecycles = singleSpaVue({
  appOptions: {
    render() {
      return h(App, {
        // single-spa props are available on the "this" object. Forward them to your component as needed.
        // if you uncomment these, remember to add matching prop definitions for them in your App.vue file.
        mountParcel: this.mountParcel,
        singleSpa: this.singleSpa,
        //Property 'singleSpa' does not exist on type 'AppOptions | ((opts: SingleSpaOptsVue2 | SingleSpaOptsVue3, props: object) => Promise<AppOptions>)'.
        //Property 'singleSpa' does not exist on type '(opts: SingleSpaOptsVue2 | SingleSpaOptsVue3, props: object) => Promise<AppOptions>'.ts(2339)

It can easily be fixed with an this alis (which is kind of ugly and talint doesn't like):

const vueLifecycles = singleSpaVue({
  appOptions: {
    render() {
      const thisalias: any = this;
      return h(App, {
        // single-spa props are available on the "this" object. Forward them to your component as needed.
        // if you uncomment these, remember to add matching prop definitions for them in your App.vue file.
        mountParcel: this.mountParcel,
        singleSpa: thisalias.singleSpa,

Using appOptions as an async function works of course (with some types on the props).

const vueLifecycles = singleSpaVue({
  async appOptions(props: any) {
    return {
      render: h(App, {
        singleSpa: props.singleSpa,

Maybe this should be described a bit better in the Docs? Or also improved in the generation? The example Comment suggesting to uncomment the Props is a bit wrong if Typescript is in place.

This sounds like the typescript definitions need to be updated. Here's the file where they can be updated:

The single-spa library has the default props defined at - those should be imported into single-spa-vue's types and then used so that this has those props on them.

Do you have interest in contributing a pull request with the fix?

Yea im interested and will take a closer look the next few days.

Thanks for the initial ressources they look pretty helpfull!

HI @joeldenning
sorry for the late response.

I think the props are already handled in

type AppOptions = {
el?: string | HTMLElement;
data?: any;
[key: string]: any;
by the [key: string]: any; of course you could add the single-spa specific props there too (if wanted I have a PR ready).

But the real issue is the Union in line 15 onwards.

| AppOptions
| ((
opts: SingleSpaOptsVue2 | SingleSpaOptsVue3,
props: object
) => Promise<AppOptions>);
template?: string;

This leads understandably to the errors.
Tbh I would recommend updating for Typescript configs updating the occurrences of this (from line 16-18) with a typecast like this: (<AppOptions>this).singleSpa.

I don't know if this is the preferred way. If yes I would be happy to contribute these changes.

tldr. Proposed Changes:

  • Add SingleSpa specific Props to single-spa-vue
  • Add typescript only typecast to vue3 Template

I think the best solution would be to type the render function properly. Typecasting with (<AppOptions>this) is a workaround, but the full solution is to change the function signature.

The first thing to try would be to add the render function along with the this type to single-spa-vue:

type AppOptions = {
el?: string | HTMLElement;
data?: any;
[key: string]: any;

+ import { AppProps } from 'single-spa';
  type AppOptions = {
    el?: string | HTMLElement;
    data?: any;
+   render: (this: AppProps) => any;
    [key: string]: any;

Since this is caller-dependent, I'm not sure if that will work. If not, you could make a similar change to vue-cli-plugin-single-spa. The this should be AppProps, not AppOptions, since it's the single-spa props that are put on the this, not the options.

I have exactly the same issue. :(