single-spa / single-spa-vue

a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications

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Problem with Vuetify select component

Zdanc32 opened this issue · comments

When I use select component I cannot close actives selectors. I don't know where I make mistake. Before the app was working correctly, but when I add vue single-spa I have this problem.


Sorry for polish language at screen :)

Hi @Zdanc32, could you provide a demonstration of the issue. A Code Sandbox or Github repo that shows the problem would be helfpul here in diagnosing the issue.

Sorry, I have invalid micro-frontend service. The one guy from my team, overwrite INPUT in one service and that case overwirte all INPUT-s in all services... Sorry guys. This is our first up where we use single-spa and micro-fronted serivces. Protip, if you want to make sure about the service correctly work you have to make sure you have one .css style guid.

I wrote this issue, because I losed any hope... And today I start working that example repository with these problems and I created new root-config, and new single-spa app... And everything work. So I start diging service by service and I found the case....

Remeber If you frontend-developer start overwrite global input You should cut his hands...

This issue is closed.

Thanks, best regards,

I'm glad to hear that things are working now for you!


Hello How do i add vuetify as a Shared dependencies
to a single-spa application

@kalchuka your question is unrelated to the original issue. Please ask it in a new github issue or in the single-spa slack