single-spa / single-spa-vue

a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications

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Does this project support hash mode?

hui-fly opened this issue · comments

I used the hash mode but it didn't take effect and the route did not jump normally

Yes, both single-spa and single-spa-vue support hash mode. I am very confident that this works correctly with single-spa, but have not tried it with single-spa-vue. However, it should work.

Could you please provide a repo that demonstrates the problem?

I use single-spa-vue@1.5.2,but used the hash mode but it didn't take effect and I observed that router-view is not loaded correctly. Cause the route cannot jump normally. used history mode is a success. this is demo @joeldenning

Thanks for the repository that demonstrates the problem. The bug was in using location.pathname instead of location.hash. See CrazyChenzi/single-spa-demo#1 which shows the fix. For more information, see the following links: