sinfo / eventdeck

:calendar: The awesome web app that supports awesome events

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add opinion/feedback field to speaker

JGAntunes opened this issue · comments

Add a feedback field to the speaker schema that should be used for keep track of feedback given by speakers from past editions.

Implement the needed changes on the frontend also.

This requires actions on:

  • mongoose models
  • backend views
  • frontend speaker form
  • frontend speaker view

@diogoleitao Quando pegas nisto?

Hoje faço isto. Eventualmente irei chatear-te (@JGAntunes) para me ajudares mas hoje vou passar o dia de volta disto.

PS: Já estou farto de estar sempre a adiar isto, desculpem a demora.

Ok, good. I think it's the only thing missing so that we can have our
website powered by eventdeck.

João Antunes

2015-10-15 11:12 GMT+01:00 Diogo Leitão

Hoje faço isto. Eventualmente irei chatear-te (@JGAntunes para me ajudares mas hoje vou passar o
dia de volta disto. Já estou farto de estar sempre a adiar isto, desculpem
a demora.

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#295 (comment).

This is done right?

Yup, you can close this