sindresorhus / type-fest

A collection of essential TypeScript types

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Proposal: SubType

rifler opened this issue · comments

 type SubType<Base, Condition> = Pick<
         [Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition ? Key : never
     }[keyof Base]


var object = {
    a: 1,
    b: true,
    c: () => null,
    d: () => null,

type JustMethods = SubType<typeof object, (...args: unknown[]) => unknown>;
// { c: () => null, d: () => null }

JustMethods from #4 can be realized via SubType. But, as I understand, JustProps can't. Maybe it will be possible after microsoft/TypeScript#29317

Can you elaborate on some real-world scenarios when this type would be useful? Preferably point to real code where it's used or where it could be used.

This seems like a more powerful Extract<T, U> helper. So the naming should probably be something similar.

I have used a similar type. One use-case that I have is that I have a function that takes an object, and the key of a method to call. I only want the keys of the methods. This will work for that.

@kaleb Would be great if you could include or link to some actual code using this pattern.

This seems like a more powerful Extract<T, U> helper. So the naming should probably be something similar.

Maybe ExtractProps? It's basically just like Extract but filters T's props rather than T itself.

It looks like a pretty powerful type, but I'm not sure in what scenario I would use it 🤷‍♂.

For instance just to give a quick example I'd personally rather write this:

type Options = {
	foo: number,
	bar: boolean,
	events: {
      onFoo: Function,
      onBar: Function

type JustMethods = Options['events'];

Than this:

type Options = {
	foo: number,
	bar: boolean,
    onFoo: Function,
    onBar: Function

type JustMethods = SubType<Options, Function>;

There are definitely scenarios where I would use Pick, picking just a few specific props, but picking those props by their type sounds a bit weird to me right now, and perhaps error-prone too: what if at a later time I add another matching prop to the object but I don't actually want it to be included in the sub type?

Maybe ExtractProps?

I think that could confuse users thinking it extracts all props and omits methods.

I agree with the rest of Fabio's points. This seems like a powerful type that would be prone to misuse.

Thanks for suggesting this type. However, I have decided to pass on it for reasons outlined in the discussion here.

This does what I'd call a type filter, right? Or am I misunderstanding? Pick all props in Base (/methods, whatever) that extend Condition, that is. Just trying to see if I have any use-case ;)

@sindresorhus I'm pretty sure the utility being described in this issue is the same as ConditionalPick, which type-fest includes... you might want to consider removing this from the list of declined types to avoid confusion.