sindresorhus / trash-cli

Move files and folders to the trash

Repository from Github https://github.comsindresorhus/trash-cliRepository from Github https://github.comsindresorhus/trash-cli

Verbose mode

karbassi opened this issue · comments

It would be useful to have a flag for verbose mode.

$ trash -v unicorn.png rainbow.png
removed 'unicorn.png'
removed 'rainbow.png'


$ trash --help

    $ trash [flags] <path|glob> [...]

    $ trash unicorn.png rainbow.png
    $ trash '*.png' '!unicorn.png'
    $ trash -v unicorn.png rainbow.png

When used in a script (e.g. a bash script), it would be nice to see the output of the file being deleted.

A workaround would be to echo that the file was deleted, but why not match the rm verbose flag?


I've worked on this enhancement and I think my solution is pretty much good to go.
I've also taken testing into consideration and should be doing a PR soon.