sindresorhus / time-grunt

Display the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not outputting total elapsed time unless grunt is called with `--no-color` option

goibon opened this issue · comments

I'm having an issue where time-grunt does not output the total elapsed time but only outputs the time for each separate task as shown in the image below. I randomly noticed this because I tried running grunt from Sublime Text 3 rather than PowerShell and in the ST3 console the total elapsed time was correctly displayed. After fiddling with it a little I found out that I can make it appear in PowerShell if I call grunt with the --no-color option.
I know that this may not be an issue with time-grunt but rather with PowerShell but I thought I'd ask here to hear if you have any idea what might cause this.


Node.js used to have some problems with console output being cut off right before the process exited. Ensure you're on the latest Node.js version.

I am currently using Node.js v. 6.6.0 which should be latest at the time of writing

Have you made sure that the time isn't written in the same color as the background? I'm asking because I see there are two newlines between the output and the prompt.

@kevva I had thought about it since "--no-color" solved it, but apparently I had only tested with other colors that hid it as well.. I finally found a color where I could read the total time, but then I'm having trouble with reading the output from my other grunt tasks. Is there any way I can set the colors that time-grunt uses somehow?

time-grunt is just using the magenta color to show the total time. It's up to your terminal/theme how to render it. Not gonna add options for the color. Closing as it's not an issue with time-grunt.