sindresorhus / time-grunt

Display the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks

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Ctrl+C not working

erikdubbelboer opened this issue · comments

When using time-grunt you can't Ctrl+C to kill grunt anymore. It just continues and ignores the event completely and exits when it's done.

Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
node v0.12.1
grunt-cli v0.1.13
grunt v0.4.5

Can't reproduce. Are you sure it's time-grunt? Try upgrading Node.

I found the issue. Most tasks in grunt are synchronous. In our case our default task is a big synchronous task which does a lot of sync file IO (grunt.file.write etc).
In node when nothing catches SIGINT it just terminates the process immediately. But when time-grunt catches SIGINT node will dispatch the javascript code to run for it.
The problem is that our big task (any many others like grunt-uglify or grunt-contrib-cssmin) are all synchronous and don't yield for the SIGINT code to run.

This can be seen with this simple Gruntfile:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  grunt.registerTask('default', function() {
    var end = + 4000;
    while ( < end) {
      grunt.file.write('test', 'test');

Try killing it with Ctrl+C and you'll see it only gets killed after the task completes. Now remove time-grunt to remove the SIGINT handler, try killing it again, and you'll see it is killed immediately.

So in conclusion: because most grunt tasks are written in a synchronous way there is nothing time-grunt can do about this issue. Except for maybe document this behavior.

I would suggest removing


Lines 147 to 149 in d850113

process.on('SIGINT', function () {
seeing as people who use Ctrl+C probably aren't interested in seeing the elapsed execution time anyways.

For now the workaround we're using is:

  var processOn = process.on;
  process.on = function(what,cb) {if(what!=='SIGINT'){,what,cb);}};
  process.on = processOn;

Closing as this project is deprecated because Grunt is no longer actively maintained, so it doesn't make sense for me to maintain this project either.