sindresorhus / time-grunt

Display the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Miscalculation of task title length

davidsneighbour opened this issue · comments

there seems to be a little miscalculation in the part that shortens executed task titles in the summary:.


Execution Time (2014-03-21 11:06:16 UTC)
loading tasks        2.9s  ▇ 5%
copy:verb           12.9s  ▇▇▇▇ 21%
compass:...ckicons  21.4s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 35%
compass:...awesome   1.3s  ▇ 2%
compass:bootstrap    4.1s  ▇▇ 7%
compass:theme       750ms  ▇ 1%
autopref...r:style   1.8s  ▇ 3%
cssmin:global          1s  ▇ 2%
modernizr:dist        11s  ▇▇▇▇ 18%
uglify:h...rscript   3.5s  ▇ 6%

task 3 is "compass:stackicons" and could be written out (sta instead ...)
task 7 is "autoprefixer:style" and could be written out (ixe instead ...)

not sure if that is regarded as by design or a bug.

Yeah, that looks like a bug. It shouldn't shorten with ... if it only shortens the chars anyways. PR welcome :)

I tested this issue, but I think it's actually fixed. It's there any problem with shortening?

Closing as this project is deprecated because Grunt is no longer actively maintained, so it doesn't make sense for me to maintain this project either.