sindresorhus / gulp-size

Display the size of your project

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Total size project

brendan8c opened this issue · comments

The total size of the project can be calculated without using "gulp-notify"..
(Useful for, for example, reporting the total project size with gulp-notify)

const build = 'build/'
const config_size = {
    showTotal: true,
    pretty: true,
    title: 'All project: '
function allSize() {
    return src(build + '**/*.*')
exports.allSize = allSize // gulp allSize

In my build, this works great!

Is this a question or statement? It's not really clear what you're trying to say.

The total size of the project can be calculated without using "gulp-notify"..

Nowhere in the docs does it say you have to use gulp-notify.

This statement )
2021-05-31 08_27_02-Total size project · Issue #48 · sindresorhus_gulp-size
I thought that this means that I need to use gulp-notify

It's just an example, per the "for example" wording.