sindresorhus / gulp-size

Display the size of your project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

full file path

mikestreety opened this issue · comments


Thank you so much for this excellent plugin.

I was wondering if it is possible to output the whole path of the file, not just the file name? Due to our folder structure we have a lot of files with the same name in a project, identified by their folders.

I have edited my local version by changing this line to file.path - however this outputs the file path from the root of the server, I was expecting one relative to the gulpfile.

Thanks again 👍

The plugin outputs files relative to your base. It uses file.relative => I'm not sure what you've set your cwd and base to, but that affects it.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Will have a dig through my gulpfile and work where that is being set /how I can override it.

P.s. Thanks for everything you do for Gulp & all the other open source projects you have 🙌 👍