sindresorhus / gulp-size

Display the size of your project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Show filename and size instead of total (when piping one file)

smhg opened this issue · comments

I'm using gulp-size after browserify and less because I am interested in the total filesize. Since my pipes build multiple files, having only the total doesn't tell me which file has which size.
I can add showFiles, but in that case I have 2 lines for each output file.

What do you think about adding an option showTotal to turn totals off? Or is there a way to figure out only one file is piped and replace 'total' by the filename?

I'm happy to send a PR after your feedback.

(As a tiny sidenote: the blue used on the filename is the only color that is unreadable on Windows - would cyan be an option? A color option would be overkill I guess.)


I'm running into the same issue, did you end up finding a fix for this?

I don't remember, sorry. I abandoned gulp in favor of a custom build script.