sindresorhus / gulp-size

Display the size of your project

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end vs. finish

adam-lynch opened this issue · comments

I think using .on('end', done) after gulp-size will cause a dependent task not to run but using finish will.

I mean I had something like this:

// ...

gulp.task('a', ['b'], function(){

gulp.task('b', function(done){
         // ....
        .pipe(gzip()) //gulp-gzip
        .on('end', done);

1 would not be printed to the console, but if it would if I had the following.

// ...

gulp.task('a', ['b'], function(){

gulp.task('b', function(done){
         // ....
        .pipe(gzip()) //gulp-gzip
        .on('finish', done);

Here is where I had this problem. Does this make sense?

The events differs, end is on readable stream and finish is on writable stream. This isn't really specific to gulp-size. I'd suggest you post a StackOverflow question if you need a better explanation ;)

Nah, that makes sense:). I've been putting off reading the stream handbook. It's time :)