sindresorhus / grunt-concurrent

Run grunt tasks concurrently

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fails to run targets with string keys

raddevon opened this issue · comments

With this config:

    concurrent: {
      options: {
        logConcurrentOutput: true
      debug: ['server:debug', 'node-inspector'],
      'debug:production': ['server:debug:production', 'node-inspector'],
      'debug:slack': ['server:debug:slack', 'node-inspector'],
      test: ['jasmine_nodejs', 'shell:chimp']

grunt concurrent:debug:production instead runs concurrent:debug. I've changed the config to

    concurrent: {
      options: {
        logConcurrentOutput: true
      staging: ['server:debug', 'node-inspector'],
      production: ['server:debug:production', 'node-inspector'],
      slack: ['server:debug:slack', 'node-inspector'],
      test: ['jasmine_nodejs', 'shell:chimp']

and grunt concurrent:production works as expected.

Hey! I'll be looking into this issue, if that's ok.

If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a question. From what I understand, grunt does not allow for nested tasks. I was trying to replicate the issue and I realized it didn't solely occur within the 'concurrent' task, but also with any other task:target defined similarly (two colons). Wouldn't this make it a grunt issue rather than a grunt-concurrent issue? Or have you seen other cases of grunt tasks where using more than one colon works correctly?

It seems like grunt is simply discarding any other input that appears after a second colon.

@dominguesgm I indeed think this is a grunt issue or limitation. Defining targets is usually via nested objects and not via a :, which has a special meaning for grunt.

Having that said, the OP should use other separators such as -, _ or even using camelCase as demonstrated in the README.