sindresorhus / grunt-concurrent

Run grunt tasks concurrently

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"[object Object]" in args

vladikoff opened this issue · comments

Using concurrent with this config:

grunt.config('concurrent', {
    server: [

Ends up:

Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task
    [ 'modernizr',
      '--_modernizr.defaults=[object Object]',
      '--_modernizr.private=[object Object]' ]
        [ 'copy:styles',
      '--_modernizr.defaults=[object Object]',
      '--_modernizr.private=[object Object]' ]

If I log args in the task

var cp = grunt.util.spawn({
                grunt: true,
                args: args2,
                opts: spawnOptions
            }, function (err, result, code) {
                if (err || code > 0) {
                    grunt.warn(result.stderr || result.stdout);
                grunt.log.writeln('\n' + result.stdout);

grunt-modernizr ref

A bit related to this args logic, there is also issue with --force.
We are looking at it here: gruntjs/grunt#1067


Seems like grunt-concurrent is not the cause of the issue. Closing.