sindresorhus / fast-cli

Test your download and upload speed using

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Low bandwidth

lordberre opened this issue · comments

What kind of speeds are expected with this tool?

I find it a lot slower when comparing to the browser one.
fast-cli : ~50 to 150 mbit/s
chromium: ~1.5 gbit/s

Fedora 29 / node v11.10.0 / fast 2.3.0

We're using Puppeteer, which is Chromium, but there might be differences that causes lower speed. I've heard a couple of other reports about this with very high speeds, so I'm gonna keep it open in case anyone has an idea of what it could be.

Same here: website reports 88 MBit / 25 MBit vs cli 67 / 11 or another one 77 / 7.6.
MacOS 10.15.6.

Same problem here, in Chrome app i have 860Mbps, but in the CLI i have only 290Mbps

OS: Arch Linux w/kernel 5.17.8-arch1-1
Node: v17.8.0
Fast: 3.2.0

Puppeteer has been upgraded here: Which may help.